Council Update Tuesday 24 September
24 Sept 2019
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Stockton Beach erosion
A Lord Mayoral Minute about the devastation caused to Stockton Beach by ongoing and sustained coastal erosion, acknowledging the effects that the loss of much of the beach has had on the community was unanimously supported.
20-Year Waste Strategy for NSW
A Lord Mayoral Minute regarding strategy around waste management and the City of Newcastle’s submission to the 20-Year Waste Strategy for NSW was supported.
Ordinary business
Code of meeting practice
A Code of Meeting Practice, which ensures City of Council complies with legislation and guides conduct and process at council meetings, was endorsed by councillors.
Boundary adjustments to heritage conservation areas
A planning proposal to adjust the boundaries of the existing Cooks Hill, Hamilton South and the Hill was supported by councillors.
250 Scott Street, Newcastle
Councillors voted to approve the acquisition of land from Hunter Central Coast Development Corporation at 250 Scott Street Newcastle for the purpose of the expansion of the adjacent Wharf Road public car park.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Councillors voted that the Executive Monthly Performance Report for August 2019 be received and resolved to receive only the current month’s Schedule of Investments as part of the Executive Monthly Performance Report.
Notices of Motion
Sexism and homophobia
A motion reiterating the stance that sexism and homophobia are never acceptable in any workplace, including at City Hall or in the Council Chamber during meetings was supported by councillors.
Federal infrastructure funding
A Notice of Motion about Federal Infrastructure funding was supported by councillors calling on the Commonwealth Government to speed up infrastructure spending and prioritise investment in the Newcastle Local Government Area, as per City of Newcastle's recent submission to the Commonwealth Infrastructure Priority List.