Council Update Tuesday 25 June 2019
25 June 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 28 May 2019. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
A LMM calling for the development of a Social Infrastructure Strategy - to fund, plan and deliver important social services that will help meet the needs of City of Newcastle’s increasing and diverse population - was supported by Council.
A LMM requesting the City write to NSW Government ministers regarding their policy on offshore sand extraction for the purposes of beach replenishment and nourishment - amid ongoing erosion at Stockton Beach - was supported by Council.
Ordinary Business
Adoption of 2019/20 Our Budget
Council resolved to adopt the 2019-20 Our Budget and 2019-20 Fees and Charges register.
Making of the Rates and Charges for 2019/20
Council resolved to adopt the 2019-20 rates and charges as displayed in full in the final 2019-20 Our Budget.
Interest on Overdue Rates and Charges 2019/20
Council voted to apply the full rate of 7.5 per cent interest a year on overdue rates and charges. Councillors also voted to adopt a 3.09 per cent fixed rate of interest on overdue rates and charges that are deferred against an eligible ratepayer’s estate for 2019/20.
Making of the Rate - Hunter Catchment Contribution and Commission for the year commencing 1 July 2019
Council voted to take a five per cent commission on levies collected from landowners on behalf of Hunter Local Land Services. The levy, known as the Hunter Contribution Catchment rate, is compulsory for relevant properties with a land value greater than $300.
Adoption of the Code of Conduct and its associated procedures
Council endorsed the 2019-20 Code of Conduct for Councillors, staff and volunteers, which was part of NSW Government reforms to consolidate all ethical standards for local government.
Adoption of Compliance and Enforcement Policy
Council endorsed the new Compliance and Enforcement Policy which provides information to all internal and external stakeholders and interested parties about the City’s position on compliance and enforcement matters.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance report for May.
Notice of Motions
Phase out of Glyphosate
Councillors supported a NOM to begin phasing out the use of the product Roundup because of its use of Glyphosate and instead to use alternative products where possible.
DA Committee
2 Parnell Place, Newcastle east - Alterations and Additions to Dwelling
A Development Application seeking consent for construction of a chimney, indoor garden and internal lift at 2 Parnell Place, Newcastle East, was approved by councillors.
70 and 72 Blue Gum Road, Jesmond - Modification to Multiple Dwelling Housing (42 dwellings)
An application to change the use of an already-approved development at 70-72 Blue Gum Road, Jesmond, from serviced apartments to dwellings, increase the number of dwellings from 36-42 and modify the development’s dimensions, was supported by councillors.