Council Update Tuesday 26 November
26 Nov 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26 November 2019.
Ordinary business
Adoption of ward boundary plan amendments following public exhibition
Council voted to adopt a proposed ward boundary plan with amendments made following public exhibition.
Adoption of the 2020 Council meeting cycle
Council has adopted a new meeting schedule for 2020.
Morehead Street, Lambton – Upgrade of pedestrian crossing south of Elders Street
Council resolved to upgrade a pedestrian crossing on Morehead Street, Lambton, south of Elders Street, raising the crossing and extending the kerb.
Endorsement of Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 – Create NSW heritage item for Parkway Avenue
Council endorsed a planning proposal to begin the process to amend the Newcastle LEP 2012 to list Parkway Avenue from Denison Street, Hamilton East, to Memorial Drive, Bar Beach, as a heritage item of local significance.
Endorsement of the 2018/19 - Annual Report
The 2018/19 Annual Report was endorsed by councillors.
Digital Library, Newcastle
Council voted to build a digital library in its new City Administration Centre at 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West, with money raised from the 2015 sale of the Newcastle School of Arts, which was gifted by the school in 1964 on the condition that any proceeds from its sale would go to the public library system.
September quarterly budget review
Council received the September Quarterly Budget review Statement and adopted the revised budget, which includes an additional $3.9 million for public works in the 2019-20 budget, with spending spread across a range of infrastructure and asset renewal programs.
September Quarterly Performance delivery program
The September Quarterly Performance on the 2018-22 Delivery Program (our Budget 2019-20) was endorsed by councillors.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for October 2019.
Notices of Motion
City Ocean Baths redevelopment community consultation
A notice of motion to conduct ongoing community consultation with Ocean Baths users and the broader community to guide future upgrades was supported.
Faster rail
A Notice of Motion to increase advocacy for faster rail services between Sydney and Newcastle was supported. A submission will be made to the Parliament of Australia’s House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities’ Inquiry Into Options for Financing Faster Rail.
Every building counts – a practical plan for emissions reductions in the built environment
A NOM to expedite the delivery of Net Zero Emission Buildings as part of its local planning statement and review of the 2020 Carbon and Water Management Action plan currently underway was supported. As part of the NOM, Council will invite the Property Council to present on its ‘Every building counts – a practical plan for emissions reduction in the built environment’ report.
Deferral of expression of interest process for Newcastle and Merewether Baths
A Notice of Motion to defer the EOI process for the Newcastle and Merewether Ocean Baths was not supported due to being a repeat motion.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
2019 Supercars Newcastle 500
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) recognising Supercars Newcastle 500 2019 as an outright success and noting that the use of local suppliers should be used when possible was supported. The LMM recognised that more than 154,000 people attended the event, with many local businesses reporting positive trading results, both in the lead up to the event and right across the weekend.
Australia's Gateway Cities Report Launch
A Lord Mayoral Minute acknowledged that the Australian Gateway Cities’ report was launched and that Australia’s Gateway Cities occupy a significant place within the economy. The LMM noted that current debates on fiscal rebalancing need to recognise the latent economic potential of Gateway Cities, while social policies should also incorporate the opportunities Gateway Cities offer in bridging the divide between metropolitan Australia and the regions.