Council Update - Tuesday 27 August
27 Aug 2019
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 27 August 2019. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Revocation of Freeman of the City and Citizen of the Year awarded to Graeme Lawrence
A Lord Mayoral Minute to formally revoke the 2004 Citizen of the Year accolade and the Freeman of the City award on Graeme Lawrence was endorsed at tonight’s council meeting.
City of Newcastle Organics Recycling
A Lord Mayoral Minute requesting City of Newcastle explores opportunities to promote organic waste recycling within the community, was supported.
Population projections for the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Area
A third Lord Mayoral Minute requesting the City write to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces asking for a review of the population projections for the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Area, to ensure that appropriate planning is undertaken for service and infrastructure delivery for the community, was supported.
Infrastructure Priority List 2020 update
Lastly, councillors supported a fourth Lord Mayoral Minute requesting City of Newcastle prepares a submission for consideration for the 2020 Infrastructure Priority List publication, outlining projects of significance to the City of Newcastle, and the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Area (as outlined in the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036).
Ordinary business
Ward Boundary amendments on public exhibition
Councillors voted to place the proposed ward boundary map on public exhibition for a 42-day period, with a further report to be prepared for the council following the consultation period.
Newcastle Writers Festival sponsorship
Councillors approved a three-year sponsorship deal for the Newcastle Writers Festival (NWF). Annual contributions of $40,000 will also go towards the delivery of the festival, which will result in almost all of the NWF events being staged within the City's cultural facilities.
Adoption of Special Business Rate Expenditure Policy
Councillors voted to approve the new SBR framework, which will guide the development of projects and events in the City Centre, Hamilton, Mayfield, Wallsend and New Lambton.
Electricity Tender
City of Newcastle will set its sights on a 100 per cent renewable energy target after councillors endorsed a report tonight to tender for a new electricity contract.
ANZAC Day Sponsorship
An annual contribution of $75,000 will go towards City of Newcastle Returned Services League (RSL) Sub-branch to deliver the region’s major ANZAC Day commemorative events. The funds will be used to support the delivery of the Dawn Service at Camp Shortland, Newcastle East, the ANZAC Day March, Newcastle; and the United Service of Remembrance at Civic Park, Newcastle, for the next three years.
Notices of Motion
Outdoor Dining Policy
City staff will investigate opportunities to waive the application fees paid to the City by outdoor dining traders. A report will be prepared for the Council in response to the NOM that reiterated support for changes to the State Government's Outdoor Dining Policy, which aims to streamline and simplify outdoor dining approvals, cut red tape for small business and local Councils.
Youth Mock Council
A motion congratulating the work of the Newcastle Youth Council on the Youth Mock Council held in May 2019, was supported. The Youth Mock Council, comprising of people aged 15 to 25-years-old, aims to provide strategic advice on issues relevant to young people to the Council.
Sexism and homophobia
A procedural motion to lay a Notice of Motion regarding sexism and homophobia on the table until the next council meeting, was supported.
Inner-city and Newcastle East cycleway
A NOM requesting the City undertake a detailed investigation, planning and design process to identify an appropriate route from the Hunter/Union Streets intersection to Newcastle East for the construction of a separated cycleway, was supported.