Council update: Tuesday 27 February 2018
27 Feb 2018
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 27 February 2018.
Note: It is not a record of resolutions.
Visiting delegation
A visiting delgation from Kenya was welcomed, who are visiting Newcastle as part of the Australia Awards Fellowship Program.
Presentation of Certificate of Service
A Local Government New South Wales Certificate of Service was presented to former Councillor Michael Osborne
Lord Mayoral Minute: Newcastle and Hunter Ending Homelessness Pledge
Council supported a Lord Mayoral Minute to ratify the Newcastle and Hunter Ending Homelessness Pledge and committed to work to reduce homelessness in the region.
Lord Mayoral Minute: Committee for Greater Newcastle
Another Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to establish a Committee for Greater Newcastle to advise on metropolitan-scale collaboration between community, industry and government.
Quarterly budget review statement
Council received the Quarterly Budget Review statement and adopted the revised budget.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the usual report.
Appointment of Councillor representatives to external committees
Council appointed representatives as follows for term 27 Feb 2018 to 11 Sep 2020
- Hunter Sports Centre Inc - Cr Peta Winney-Baartz
- Newcastle Bush Fire Coordinating Committee - Cr John MacKenzie
- Lower Hunter Councils Transport Group - Cr Matthew Byrne and Cr Peta Winney-Baartz
Tabling of pecuniary interest returns
Council noted the pecuniary interest returns as tabled by the CEO received between 1 Nov 2017 and 31 Jan 2018.
Annual Audit Committee and internal audit report
The report was received for the 2016/17 financial year and Council adopted the revised Audit Committee charter.
Affixing Council's seal to Deeds of Indemnity for Louise Hicks (NAPLS secretary)
Council approved and authorised affixation of Council's seal to a Deed of Indemnity between Newcastle City Council, Port Stephens Council and Ms Louise Hicks, Company Secretary Newcastle Airport Pty Ltd (NAPL).
Crown Land Management in the Newcastle LGA
Council noted that the outcome of the Expression of Interest to the Department of Industry's Land Negotiation Program and the proposed program of work in relation to Crown Land categorisation and Plan of Management revisions.
McCaffrey Drive, Rankin Park - Proposed upgrade to existing zebra/children's crossing
Council approved the proposed upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing on McCaffrey Drive north of Spencer Street.
Maitland Road, Mayfield - Investigation into potential pedestrian refuges
Council referred proposals for a pedestrian refuge at the intersection of Woodstock St with Maitland Road Mayfield and a raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Tourle St with Maitland Road Mayfield to the Newcastle City Traffic Committee for consideration.
Submission on Draft Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan
Council endorsed the draft submission on the Draft Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan for lodgement with the Department of Planning and Environment.
Adoption of Community Grant and Sponsorship policies
The revised Events Sponsorship, Economic Development Sponsorship and Community Place Making Project policies were adopted by Council following public exhibition.
Exhibition of Draft Section 6.03 Wickham of Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council resolved to place the draft amendments to the Newcastle DCP 2012 on public exhibition and to receive a report on written feedback provided by stakeholders.
Exhibition of the Draft Aboriginal Heritage Management Strategy
The draft Aboriginal Heritage Management Strategy will be placed on public exhibition and Council will receive a report back on community responses.
Hunter Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plan (Nov 2017)
The Draft Hunter Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plan 2017 was adopted and Council endorsed submission of the Plan to the Minister for Environment for certification.
Building Better Cities Housing and Development Committee Business Plan 2016/17
Council received the BBC Housing and Development Committee Business Plan 2016/17 (incorporating the Annual Report).
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy - Response to Lord Mayoral Minute Oct 2017
Council resolved to apply to become a member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives and commit to the requirements of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
Nomination for membership of a Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils
Council resolved to inform the Minister for Local Government of Council's endorsement to establish a Joint Organisation including Newcastle City Council with preference that it include the five other Lower Hunter councils.
Notice of Motion - Carrington Parklands Concept Plan
It was resolved to engage with the Carrington community toward the development of a Carrington Parklands Concept Plan.
Notice of Motion - Offshore coal, oil and gas exploration and mining
Council resolved to make a formal submission to the NSW Government and the Federal Government to request that approvals for offshore exploration activity be reviewed based on a full assessment of the environmental and economic impacts.
Notice of Motion - Hamilton Concept Master Plan
Council committed to develop a concept master plan for Hamilton, including James Street Plaza, taking into consideration Crime Prevention through Environmental design principles.
Notice of Motion - Newcastle City Council Live Music Strategy
Council supported the creation of a live music advisory group and will implement actions to protect the local live music industry, including development of a Live Music Strategy.