Council update Tuesday 27 March 2018
27 Mar 2018
Council update
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council meeting for Tuesday 27 March 2018. NB: it is not a record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute
A Lord Mayoral minute was supported to seek clarification from the NSW Government about regional and metropolitan boundaries to clarify Newcastle's eligibility for grant funding by acknowledging it as the state's second city.
Another minute to mark the 80th anniversary of the City of Newcastle and engage with NSW State Archives & Records to develop a comprehensive historical record of the City of Newcastle was supported.
Executive Monthly Performance report
The usual report was received.
Six monthly review of 2013-2018 Delivery Program
Council voted to receive the six-month delivery program featuring details on a $50 million works program and $641.5 million in lodged DAs.
Exhibition of Donations Program policy
Council resolved to place the Donations Program Policy on public exhibition for four weeks.
Motions and attendance at the 2018 National General Assembly of Local Government
Council nominated Councillors White, Duncan and Winney-Baartz to attend the 2018 Australian Local Government Associations National General Assembly of Local Government.
Exhibition of revised code of meeting practice
Council voted to place the revised Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for a period of seven weeks.
Beresfield Swimming Centre update
Council resolved to allocate funds in the 2018/19 budget for the replacement of three giant inflatables at Beresfield Swimming Centre and for additional shade and seating.
Summerhill Waste Management Centre
Council has agreed to place the draft 2018/29 commercial Schedule of fees and Charges for Waste Management collection, disposal and associated services on public exhibition.
1 Ordnance Street Newcastle - Adoption of Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012
Council resolved to amend a planning document to remove permitted use as a function centre and kiosk at 1 Ordnance Street Newcastle.
West End Stage One - Public Domain - Public Exhibition Outcomes
Council voted to adopt the West End Stage One - Public Domain Plan with considerations from the public exhibition period including additional shade measures and lighting for Birdwood Park and additional play elements in both Birdwood and Little Birdwood Park.
East End Stage One - Streetscape Plan - public exhibition
Contemporary paving and new retail opportunities, an outdoor eating plaza and a two-way cycleway are part of a Hunter Street overhaul plan that will now go on public exhibition.
Temporary suspension of alcohol free zone - Keightley Lane Newcastle
Council has approved the temporary suspension of the alcohol free zone for Keightley Lane Newcastle from 6am to 6pm on Wednesday 25 April 2018 for ANZAC Day activities.
Endorsement for public exhibition of the Draft Newcastle After Dark Strategy
The draft Newcastle After Dark Strategy to promote a safe and diverse night-time economy will go on public exhibition for a period of six weeks.
Glebe Road Federation Cottages Heritage Conservation Area - Endorsement of Amendment to Newcastle LEP 2012 and Newcastle DCP 2012
Council has endorsed a proposal to amend the Newcastle LEP 2012 to create a Heritage Conservation Area for the Glebe Road Federation Cottages and forward the proposal to the Minister for Planning for gateway determination.
Notice of Motion
Footpath delivery
A notice of motion to prepare a proactive footpath strategy to guide investment in the delivery of new footpaths across the city was supported.
Mayfield Skate Park
A motion to consult users of the Mayfield Skate Park at Dangar Park and create a scope of works and budget estimates to deliver improvements was supported.