Council update Tuesday 28 April 2020
28 Apr 2020
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Protecting City of Newcastle jobs
A Lord Mayoral Minute calling on both the Federal and NSW Governments to commit to protecting Council jobs, by ensuring that local government is included in any future COVID-19 economic measures, was supported.
ICLEI Oceania – CitiesWithNature initiative
A LMM to accept an invitation from ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) Oceania to become a Pioneer City for the new CitiesWithNature Australia Initiative, aimed at recognising and enhancing the value of nature in and around cities across the world, was supported.
COVID-19 financial support
Another LMM calling on the state and federal governments to deliver financial support and stimulus to help local governments continue effective operations, and provide essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic, was supported.
City of Newcastle Fast-track Infrastructure Stimulus Opportunities
Another LMM seeking NSW and Federal Government support for a dedicated local infrastructure stimulus program, with funding for both large-scale projects and a ‘Local Government New Deal’ aimed at protecting jobs through smaller infrastructure projects, was supported.
Ordinary Business
Practice Note: Code of Meeting practice
Council resolved to receive the Practice Note to the Code of Meeting Practice to allow it to meet remotely to manage the risk of transmission of coronavirus.
ICLEI Regional Executive Committee
Council has endorsed nomination of the Lord Mayor for the ICLEI Oceania regional executive committee.
Executive monthly performance report
The Executive Monthly Performance Report for March 2020 was received.
Notices of motion:
Extended powers of planning minister
A Notice of Motion to express opposition to the recent changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, which grant the Minister for Planning Rob Stokes unprecedented powers to override planning decisions made by local councils, planning panels, the Independent Planning Commission, was supported. An amendment was moved to leave the item on the table for future discussion in light of recent changes.