Council welcomes marriage equality vote
14 Nov 2017
Newcastle City Council has welcomed the result of Australia's same sex marriage plebiscite.
More than seven million Australian's voted 'yes' in the Federal Government survey, including 74.8 per cent of the Newcastle electorate, which was the fifth highest result in NSW.
The local result was well above the state and national averages of 57.8 per cent and 61.6 per cent respectively.
"We are delighted that Australians have said an emphatic 'yes' to same sex marriage," Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"And I congratulate everyone who has waited on this good news for so long and hope the result to embrace marriage equality is legislated quickly so we can all marry the one we love.
"Newcastle City Council actively supported the 'yes' campaign after first committing to marriage equality in 2015 in line with local sentiment.
"Findings from the survey show that Novocastrians overwhelmingly voted in favour. This is a terrific result and shows the city's true heart.
"I'm so proud that our council actively campaigned for marriage equality by flying the rainbow flag, supporting events and writing to Federal leaders expressing Newcastle's support.
"Almost a year after unveiling a rainbow-walk in Islington Park, we threw our support behind the right of same-sex couples to marry.
"And now I'm delighted that our local LGBTIQ community knows that Australia stands beside them."