Economic, Art and Community Grants now open
03 June 2019
City of Newcastle has opened applications for three separate funding programs worth a total of $265,000 in a bid to empower community groups to make the city a better place.
The 2019-20 funding round includes:
- Up to $65,000 via the City’s Economic Sponsorship
- Up to $140,000 via the Arts and Cultural Organisations program
- Up to $60,000 via the Community Assistance grants for projects, services or activities that will enhance and or create vibrant and activated spaces
The Mind Our Mullets project received the City's support last year
“Organisations should look to take advantage of the funding available to promote their own – and the City’s - economic and cultural development,” Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“We want to see emerging and established artists, cultural groups and commercial entities thrive in our City, and this funding is allocated to help them do so. These funding programs help deliver activities that foster a sense of community, build capacity within our community, strengthen our economic base and enhance the quality of life for our residents”.
Up to $20,000 will be made available for successful applicants under the Economic Sponsorship, and a maximum of $4,000 will be offered to each project that secures a Community Placemaking grant.
Organisations successful in the arts and cultural category will be provided with an annual contribution of $70,000 for a maximum of three years to help cover the cost of their ambitious projects.
Last year, funding across a range of sponsorship and grant programs contributed to projects with a direct expenditure of $1.25 million and provided support for business growth and employment while encouraging innovation, community capacity building, placemaking and developing the visitor economy.
The Mind Our Mullets project received support last year to increase awareness of and change waste management behaviours around Islington and Throsby Creek catchment.
The Greater Hunter Technology Festival at Broadmeadow, which showcased innovative companies and start-ups and allowed school, university and TAFE students to display their projects, also benefitted.
The latest round of City funding follows the opening of last month’s Event Sponsorship Program (ESP), which closed last Tuesday. The $280,000 ESP program provides up to $20,000 each to groups keen to stage community events, major community events, major destination events, commercial events and business events throughout the City.
For more information, or to apply to this year’s programs prior to the 1 July closing date, visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/community/grants-sponsorships.