Ecosuburbia event for smart, liveable sustainable city
20 June 2019
Laman Street behind Civic Park will come to life with eco-market stalls, a local food swap and a range of activities to get kids thinking about sustainability when Newcastle Library hosts the Ecosuburbia Fair Share event tomorrow, Saturday 22 June.
City of Newcastle is collaborating with Permaculture Hunter and Purple Pear Farm to showcase the fair and host an “Aussie Street” City Hall talk by permaculture co-originator David Holmgren tomorrow.
Author of RetroSuburbia, the downshifter’s guide to a resilient future, Holmgren espouses a way of life aligned with the City of Newcastle’s strategy to create a smart, liveable and sustainable global city.
“Our community collaborating to host the father of an internationally recognised social and environmental movement illustrates Newcastle’s commitment to living smarter and more sustainably,” Manager Libraries and Learning Suzie Gately said.
“His Aussie Street talk cleverly brings RetroSuburbia’s ideas into our everyday lives, using 100-plus photos and water-coloured illustrations and practical concepts from his exciting new book. Come along to be part of Holmgren’s remarkably insightful, thought-provoking vision for a resilient and sustainable future."
Tickets for the Retrosuburbia 'Aussie Street' talk with David Holmgren sold out within 48 hours.
The Ecosuburbia Fair Share event from 10am is proudly delivered in collaboration with Newcastle Libraries, Hunter Permaculture and Purple Pear Farm. It will also host Slow Food Hunter Valley Soup Kitchen and live music by Newcastle Folk.
Ecosuburbia is part of the City’s embrace if the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities and Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities, which are now part of the Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan.
Images & interviews available:
For David Holmgren interviews, contact Maia Irell Holmgren Events events@holmgren.com.au 0438484558
Local Partners:
John Shiel, President Permaculture Hunter jshiel@westnet.com.au
Anne Kelly, Leader Slow Food Hunter Valley Inc 0488 626 295