Environment in focus as new strategy takes shape
15 Feb 2022
Driving a circular economy, harnessing nature-based solutions and taking action on climate change have been identified as priority areas for discussion as City of Newcastle (CN) develops its new Environment Strategy.
The strategy will help define CN's key environmental objectives and initiatives during the next decade and is designed to align with the sustainability outcomes of the draft Community Strategic Plan, Newcastle 2040, which itself is on public exhibition until 28 February.
The draft Newcastle Environment Strategy will be informed by extensive community consultation before being finalised and presented to the Council for adoption.
More than 4500 pieces of feedback collected during the development of the Community Strategic Plan, quarterly surveys, Climate Action Plan engagement and a waste specific survey have already been reviewed to understand the community's priorities for our environment.
Targeted stakeholder consultation will commence this week, with key priority areas helping to facilitate discussion during the workshops. This will include looking at the options for a circular economy that would design out waste, keep materials in use and turn waste into a resource; exploring how to build resilience to the effects of climate change; and looking at how natural solutions to social problems can allow us to protect, manage or restore our environment in a way that benefits both communities and ecosystems.
Community members will be given additional opportunities to comment on the draft strategy during its public exhibition, which is scheduled to occur later this year.