Festive season a chance to reflect and give thanks
23 Dec 2020
City of Newcastle is praising its staff and thanking the community for working together to deliver key projects across the city despite the challenges of COVID-19.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said City of Newcastle staff navigated rapidly changing circumstances to produce a multi-faceted response to the pandemic, while also maintaining focus on the delivery of essential services and capital works projects.
“With all the hardship and challenges people have been subjected to this year, it can be hard to see 2020 in a positive light,” Cr Nelmes said.
“But in many ways it has also been an incredibly successful year for our staff and community, who have banded together to deliver projects that have improved our city.
“Our staff put in an amazing effort to provide a targeted response to the pandemic, from the $5.5 million Community and Economic Resilience Plan designed to support those who needed it most, to the expanded $116 million capital works program that brought forward a range of additional projects to help kick-start our economy.
“For most City of Newcastle staff it was business as usual as they continued to deliver a raft of vital projects that saw town centres revitalised, environmental milestones achieved, and millions of dollars invested across the city.
“Highlights included the completion of the $3.3 million Tyrrell Street Bridge in Wallsend as the first step in wider flood mitigation and town centre works, and the adoption of our five-year Climate Action Plan, which outlines innovative programs to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.
“City of Newcastle staff also overcame social distancing challenges to continue a robust engagement program essential to the delivery of milestone projects such as the Stockton Coastal Management Program.
“These achievements only scratch the surface of what was delivered this year and are testament to our employees who have put in a mammoth effort improving the city and supporting our community through COVID-19.”
Despite its many challenges, Cr Nelmes said 2020 was a year we can all be proud of.
“One of the hardest aspects was not knowing what the future would hold,” Cr Nelmes said.
“But if we can take anything positive out of 2020 it is the sense of collaboration and solidarity that has shown itself across our community. I’d like to thank our City of Newcastle team and the wider community for everything they have done this year, for the milestones and achievements we have reached and the journey we have shared.
“2020 has given us all plenty of reasons to be proud of ourselves, proud to be Novocastrians, and proud to work for a local government that is leading the way.”
Keep an eye on City of Newcastle’s social media channels for our series of videos that reflect on the year that was, celebrate what we have achieved and thank everyone for pitching in during a time like no other.