Free BBQ picnic to celebrate harmony
16 Mar 2017
Newcastle Region Library will host a free picnic to celebrate diversity in the community as part of Harmony Week events across Australia.
The Harmony Day BBQ event in Civic Park in Newcastle's civic heart will be held to encourage people to get to know each other over a meal in relaxed setting.
Presented by Newcastle Region Library, the day is open to all ages and backgrounds and includes the launch of a children’s book that promotes the spirit of Harmony Week.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the Civic Park gathering underscored the city's commitment to fostering cultural unity.
“We live in a city with a proud history of respecting ethnic, cultural and religious diversity," Councillor Nelmes said, " and that's what we will be celebrating with a picnic BBQ in our civic centre.
"Newcastle City Council declared Newcastle a Refugee Welcome Zone in May 2015 to ensure everyone who calls Newcastle home can make the most of opportunities that come with living in our inclusive and cohesive society.
"Harmony Day is a great opportunity to unite Novocastrians”.
Local author Cary Lee, an Australia with Chinese heritage, will release his book Inviting Harmony, an illustrated book for 4-8 year olds that introduces the values of belonging, diversity and multiculturalism.
“For 15 years, I’ve been a volunteer or working to promote multiculturalism in Newcastle”, Mr Lee said
“Being born in the lucky country but from a Chinese background, and now raising a six-year- old daughter of a similar background, I am passionate about promoting values celebrating diversity and feeling a sense of belonging.”
A Federal Government initiative for almost 20 years, Harmony Day spreads the message that ‘everyone belongs’.
Community Event
Friday 24 March, 2017. 11:30am – 1:30pm
Civic Park, Newcastle, NSW