Free chemical cleanout day Saturday
09 Apr 2018
Residents of Newcastle and the Hunter are invited to get rid of old gas cylinders, paint cans, motor oil and batteries at a free chemical clean out day on Saturday 14 April.
Newcastle City Council and the NSW Environment Protection Authority are holding a free Household Chemical CleanOut event at Tighes Hill TAFE student car park on Maitland Road, opposite Henry Street.
Households can drop off up to 20kg or 20L of unwanted chemicals for recycling or safe disposal, including garden and pool chemicals, acids and alkalis, fluorescent globes and tubes.
"This is a great chance for all Newcastle and Hunter residents to clean out their cupboards, bathroom cabinets and garages and bring along any unwanted or unknown chemicals," Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
"It's important we all dispose of these potentially harmful substances in a responsible fashion and the Cleanout event allows you to do it free of charge."
More than 32 tonnes of unwanted chemicals were collected at the last Household Chemical CleanOut event in November last year.
More than 850 Hunter residents dropped off their unwanted household chemicals, including a whopping 18 tonnes of paint products.
Since 2003, Newcastle Household Chemical CleanOut events have safely removed more than 440 tonnes of chemicals from Newcastle garages and homes.
The Household CleanOut is supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA's Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.
Tighes Hill TAFE student car park on Maitland Road
Saturday 14 April between 9am and 3.30pm
For more information on which materials will be accepted and how to safely transport your chemicals, call the Environment Line on 131 555 or visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au
For interviews call 4974 2264 or let me know by return email.