Get on your bike, snap a pic and win
07 Sept 2018
Spring has sprung, so get on your bike, grab your camera and take some fun snaps to enter the City of Newcastle's On Your Bike photo competition.
We're launching the competition to celebrate NSW Bike Week and the 2018 Newcastle Walking & Cycling Festival on Sunday 23 September in Foreshore Park.
Just post your bike pics to our Instagram or Facebook pages and tell us what you love about cycling in Newcastle.
You could win heaps of great prizes, including a brand-new pushie valued at $1,000.
"It's time to get on our bikes as we look toward warmer weather and spending more time active and outdoors," said Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes.
"Or, if you're an intrepid rider who's been out on your bike all winter, time to thaw out and enjoy some spring rides.
"We want everyone to get creative and really have fun with the photo competition heading into Bike Week, which is 22-30 September, and to rock up for a great day at the Newcastle Walking & Cycling Festival.
The festival, a Bike Week event, is supported by a City of Newcastle Community Place Making grant.
In addition to the new bike for the People's Choice winner, competition spoils include $250 prizes from a bike shop for each of the three contest category winners and a Newcastle branded Beep bike bell for all finalists.
A winner will be selected from each of three categories: health, social and transport. All finalists' photos will also be displayed as part of an On Your Bike exhibition at Newcastle Museum.
To enter the competition, simply:
- Post a photo to the city's Instagram or Facebook showing a bike or someone riding a bike
- Tell us why you love getting on your bike in 20 words or less
- Include the hashtag #onyourbike and the emoji that matches the entry category you choose
Entries close Monday 17 September 2018 and terms and conditions apply.
"Expanding and improving the city's network of cycleways is one of our priority projects and we are investing about $2.6 million on cycleways this year," said the Lord Mayor.
"Getting people out of cars and onto their bikes is good for the environment, reduces traffic congestion, increases community fitness and encourages social connections."
Newcastle Walking & Cycling Festival
Hit the pavement on your bike or on foot to the Newcastle Walking & Cycling Festival, on from 10am to 3pm, Sunday 23 September at Foreshore Park Carriage Shed.
"We want to promote creating walkable and cycleable neighbourhoods in Newcastle with good facilities and activated spaces," said Sam Reich, president of Newcastle Cycleways Movement Inc.
"Join us for the Tweed Ride along the Throsby Creek and Foreshore cycleways, as well as discovery rides and walks around Newcastle, live entertainment, information booths from community organisations and more."
City of Newcastle is also joining in the fun. Drop in and see us at our stall to grab some awesome freebies and find out more about our cycleways projects.
Organised by Newcastle Cycleways Movement and community partners, including the Heart Foundation, the festival is supported by a City of Newcastle Community Place Making grant.