Grants boost support services for vulnerable members of the community in Hamilton
30 July 2021
City of Newcastle is continuing to support a multi-agency approach to community safety in the Hamilton area to ensure people who are vulnerable get access to important services.
More than $30,000 in Rapid Response Grants have been distributed to six community service providers and faith organisations to bolster the support being provided for people experiencing homelessness or food insecurity.
This includes funding for the following initiatives:
Hunter Homeless Connect - boost its program offering food and clothing vouchers
Grainery Food Bank – make non-perishables and fresh vegetables available at the food bank, increase the quantities of single-serve frozen meals already available, provide one-on-one assistance for those in need to access support services and financial counselling, and extend the opening hours of the service
Hamilton Seven Day Adventist Food Pantry and Meal Service – increase the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables and non-perishable products, extend emergency food relief, trial extended operating hours to include Friday mornings, and explore a weekly pop-up at a local community centre
Hamilton Uniting Church – provide access to community and emergency food support through the 'Shoebox Project', which includes boxes of basic food and sanitary items
Reach Homeless Services – implement a ‘breakfast pack’ program for those in need, distributed at the Suspension Café in Beaumont Street Islington.
Establish a new partnership with the Hamilton Men's Shed and the Hamilton BIA to trial a new community pantry service in Hamilton for a period of six months, which is expected to be operating in late 2021.
City of Newcastle is supporting a multi-agency approach along with stakeholders including NSW Police and the Department of Community and Justice Assertive Outreach (AO) regarding vulnerable people and community safety issues at Hamilton Train Station Park.
As part of the multi-agency operation, AO staff have regularly visited the park since Police commenced regular patrols, which has led to four people being housed. NSW Police has increased visibility in the area to prevent and address anti-social behaviour.
CN is responsible for safely managing the use of public land on behalf of our community. CN will continue working with those providing outreach in Hamilton Train Station Park to support the safety of vulnerable people and the broader community.