Grants program enables community sector to give a hand up
08 Apr 2020
City of Newcastle has made available grants of up to $30,000 to non-government organisations, not-for-profits, charities and for-profit service providers that directly support community health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Boost Our City Community Sector Grants, which opened on Wednesday, unlock immediate cashflow for eligible projects delivered by organisations already well positioned to provide practical support to those who need it most.
The grants program sits under phase one of the COVID-19 Community and Economic Development Resilience Package, through which the City has pledged $650,000 of financial and in-kind support to the community sector to respond to needs arising from COVID-19.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the grants would enable organisations to develop creative, innovative solutions to COVID-19 challenges faced by the most vulnerable and emerging at-risk groups in our community.
“The aim of our community grants program is to scale and fit the needs identified by the community sector to soften the social impact of COVID-19,” the Lord Mayor said.
“It could make all the difference, for instance, to someone with complex health needs but limited access to technology to ensure continuity of care, or to someone who has lost their job or is struggling with mental health and turns to a charity or service provider for the first time.
“The effects of this pandemic will be far-reaching and felt for some time to come.”
The City has already assisted in the first wave of impact felt by the pandemic, providing urgent Rapid Response Funding to existing service providers, such as OzHarvest, to cope with increased demand for food, welfare, supported living, community transport and more.
Applications for Boost Our City Community Sector Grants are open until 30 June, at which point Council will consider ongoing need under phase two of the package.
Grants of between $2,000 and $30,000 are available for projects that comply with Federal Government guidelines and NSW Health advice regarding COVID-19.
Application forms and information on how to apply are available via the website.
For further to support, email covidresilience@ncc.nsw.gov.au or phone 4974 2000 to speak with a City of Newcastle staff member.