Have your say on plans to reduce traffic congestion in western corridor
20 Oct 2023
City of Newcastle is moving forward with its commitment to reduce traffic congestion in the growing western corridor, seeking community feedback into plans to widen and upgrade Minmi Road.
The project is stage two of a large-scale infrastructure program that will significantly improve traffic flow along this key sub-arterial road. It follows recent community consultation into the proposed stage one upgrade along Longworth Avenue, Wallsend.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said this was an important project that would provide benefits for local residents and motorists from across the region.
"Widening and upgrading Minmi Road was the first commitment made by the current elected Council in recognition of the long-standing issues associated with traffic congestion along this critical link, which connects the growing suburbs of Wallsend, Maryland, Fletcher and Minmi to Newcastle and the wider region," Cr Nelmes said.
"Once complete, this project will help reduce travel times, improve safety, cater for population growth and increased vehicle movements in the area, and ease the morning and afternoon commute.
"We are now inviting motorists and residents who regularly travel along this road to have their say on the concept designs, to help shape the future of this important link to the city."
The upgrade will increase the width of Minmi Road to two lanes in each direction from Summerhill Road to Maryland Drive (east).
A central median and separated turning lanes at Anna Place, McNaughton Avenue and the Service Station are proposed to help remove bottlenecks and improve safety, in conjunction with restrictions on right hand turns in and out of Mount Street and Minmi Road properties.
Improved cycling and pedestrian connections will also be delivered as part of the project.
Community members can log on to www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay by 17 November to provide feedback on the proposed concept designs.
Community drop-in sessions will also be held at Wallsend Library on Saturday, 4 November from 11am to 1pm, and Fletcher Village Shopping Centre on Thursday, 9 November from 4pm to 6pm.
Feedback received will be used to better understand the level of support from the community on the proposed plans, before finalising the scope and design options that will be presented to Council later this year.