Have your say on the future of Wickham
22 Feb 2023
New cycleways and footpaths, tree planting and public art opportunities are being proposed under a concept plan designed to guide future streetscape upgrades in Wickham.
City of Newcastle's draft concepts for Wickham’s public spaces, prepared as part of the delivery of a Public Domain Plan, outline key elements to help realise the long-term vision of the Wickham Masterplan 2021 with a focus on connecting green spaces, prioritising pedestrian and cyclist activity, and upgrading Union Street as an attractive pathway to the heart of the precinct.
Creating open community spaces, activating the historic Bullock Island Rail Corridor and improving access and connections to Wickham Park and the harbour's waterfront are also on the agenda, along with future opportunities for public art and interpretation of both Aboriginal and European heritage.
Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen said plans for the area aim to facilitate the long-term expansion of the city centre towards Wickham and increase opportunities for transit-oriented development around the Newcastle Interchange.
"We are starting to see a real change in Wickham, with growing investor and developer interest in recent years transitioning the semi-industrial area into a mixed-use urban neighbourhood, supporting the Newcastle West CBD," Cr Clausen said.
"The Public Domain Plan aims to create a welcoming and positive environment for residents and visitors while improving safety, accessibility, and amenity.
"We have worked closely with a number of stakeholders on these draft concepts including local community group Great Lifestyle of Wickham.
"We're now looking to receive broader feedback from the community to help inform key features of the final plan, which over the long term will deliver greater road and pedestrian links within Wickham and to adjoining areas, improved cycleways and increased investment in community infrastructure to support the growing local population."
The development of a Public Domain Plan will provide a clear, shared vision for the Wickham public domain, enabling future staged implementation, including directly by developers as continued growth occurs in Wickham. The Plan will ensure consistency in outcomes, regardless of whether new infrastructure is delivered by City of Newcastle, or by the private sector as part of their new development.
The draft concept plans for the Wickham Public Domain Plan will remain open for online feedback via newcastle.nsw.gov.au/haveyoursay until 22 March. Community drop-in sessions will be held at Marketown on Thursday 2 March from 11am to 1pm and at the Tree of Knowledge Park in Wickham on Saturday 18 March from 11am to 1pm.
City of Newcastle is also seeking feedback on the Community Infrastructure Incentives in the Wickham Planning Proposal, which seeks to deliver identified community infrastructure and facilitate urban renewal in Wickham through the provision of development incentives.
The Community Infrastructure Incentives in the Wickham Planning Proposal will remain open for comment via newcastle.nsw.gov.au/haveyoursay until 22 March.