Housing affordability atop City of Newcastle's priorities for its growing population
23 Aug 2020
A new housing strategy will address a forecast 25% increase in population over the next 20 years.
The draft Local Housing Strategy 2020, which is now on public exhibition, considers demographics, housing supply and demand, as well as land use opportunities and constraints to ensure the provision of affordable, accessible and sustainable housing in the City.
The latest City forecast shows Newcastle’s population is set to grow by 41,150 residents to 202,050 by 2041 – stimulating demand for some 19,450 new dwellings.
Research has shown that one in three Newcastle households have an annual income of less than $48,000 and a further 33 percent suffer housing stress, which is when more than 30 percent of income is spent on housing.
Ward 3 Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz, who chairs the City’s Affordable Living Working Party, says home ownership is out of reach for many people.
“A mix of affordable and sustainable future housing is imperative to meet the diverse needs of our growing community,” Cr Winney-Baartz said.
“Newcastle’s residential areas are experiencing growth and change. It is vital that we provide a path to more affordable and diverse housing types, while complementing the city’s heritage and character.”
City of Newcastle’s housing strategy aims to have a clear set of short, medium and long-term goals based on priorities, including the development of an affordable housing policy, housing diversification and sustainability.
To ensure the goals translate into action, the new strategy has an associated Implementation Plan that will be reviewed every 12 months as actions are completed and to reflect changes in Federal, State or Local priorities as well as resources and budgets.
The housing strategy will be guided by the growth corridors and catalyst areas identified in the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan and the Newcastle LEP.
Residents can have their say until Monday 21 September via the City of Newcastle website.