Islington Park re-opens to the public
14 Mar 2022
Islington Park has been re-opened to the public this morning following clearance by independent assessors yesterday.
The park been closed since 2 March due to contamination generated by the recent fire at the Wickham wool stores. Multiple specialist asbestos crews were deployed last week to clean the park. These crews removed fragments of asbestos containing materials (ACM) from grassed areas, gardens, the sporting oval, the carpark, bike paths, the playground, skate bowl and around the amenities building.
High traffic areas such as footpaths and the playground were also cleaned with HEPA (high efficiency particulate arrestance) vacuums.
Following the clean-up, an independent Licenced Asbestos Assessor inspected all areas of the park and found no visible asbestos remaining, allowing for a clearance certificate to be issued on Sunday 13 March.
Air monitoring was undertaken during the clean up and also as part of the clearance inspection – with all results coming back clear of airborne asbestos fibres.
It is important to remember that as with other areas that have been cleaned and given clearance, it is possible for the occasional fragment to be introduced into the area from vehicles or falling from trees. Further findings of fragments should be reported to the EPA's environment line on 131 555 so that the area can be listed for inspection and re-cleaning if necessary.
Now that clearance has been issued, City of Newcastle will plan for the safe resumption of services such as mowing and ongoing park maintenance.
Waratah Park has also been inspected and cleaned and is open to the public.
For the latest updates visit www.newcastle.gov.au/wickhamfire