Local centre upgrades underway in Carrington's main street
04 Apr 2018
Carrington will soon become one of Newcastle's first suburbs to offer free Wi-Fi in its local centre. Revitalisation works have commenced in Young St, bringing improvements to roads, pathways, and parking plus new street trees, bike racks and bins as well as access
to free Wi-Fi.
The $3million upgrades to Carrington's Young St are being funded through Newcastle City Council's local centre renewal program.
"Council continues to deliver on our vision for city-wide urban renewal, setting the direction for growth and revitalisation," said Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes, who visited Young St today.
"It's really exciting that Carrington together with Beresfield will be the first local centres to have access to free Wi-Fi, through technology being installed as part of our Smart City strategy.
"We want our city's local centres to reflect a sense of place and local character," said the Lord Mayor. "Planning for this project has included extensive community consultation, including the choice of appropriate street tree species for the location, and we have also chosen drainage solutions specific to the area, including permeable paving.
"Young St Carrington is already a strong community hub and the renewal project reflects the expectations of the community and Council for a vibrant centre."
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes talking with NCC project manager Peter Steele.
Council consulted with the Carrington community to hear their ideas and ensure that what they value about Young St is maintained and this feedback was incorporated into the public domain plan for the area.
The scope of the Young St Carrington renewal project includes:
• Drainage renewal
• Permeable paving to improve stormwater capacity
• Water sensitive urban design
• New site appropriate street trees
• Pedestrian friendly street design
• Existing street furniture retained where possible, and new bike racks and bins installed
• New kerb, gutter and footpath
• Renewed road surface
• Road and pedestrian lighting upgrade
• Improved pedestrian crossings at both ends
The Lord Mayor helped out during a footpath pour.
More detailed information on these projects and the local and neighbourhood centres public domain program is available here.