Local youth experience a taste of local government
29 July 2022
Students from six local high schools have gained a unique perspective into local government by participating in City of Newcastle's annual Youth Mock Council this week.
Established in 2018 as a way to engage more young people in the process of local government and strengthen youth voice in local planning and decision making, the two-day event is facilitated by the Newcastle Youth Council Advisory Committee and supported by City of Newcastle.
The event kicked off on Thursday with a series of workshops involving current Newcastle Councillors Deahnna Richardson, Elizabeth Adamczyk, Charlotte McCabe, Callum Pull and John Mackenzie, which were designed to teach the students how to form committees, identify an issue and develop tangible actions to deliver a potential solution.
These issues were transformed into mock Notices of Motion ahead of a simulated Council meeting held in the former Council Chambers at City Hall today, where the draft motions were presented to the participating Councillors.
The Youth Mock Council provides our future young leaders with an invaluable opportunity to engage with City of Newcastle and its elected officials to discuss important local issues and workshop ways to bring about positive social change.
Participants involved in this year’s Mock Council included students from Callaghan College’s Wallsend and Waratah campuses, Cooks Hill Campus High School, Hunter Sports High School, Merewether High School and Newcastle High School.