Love Our Coast survey now open
21 Feb 2021
Newcastle's coastline is precious to locals and visitors alike, and through a new survey, City of Newcastle is looking to explore what the community loves about our beaches and what people do while they are there.
The Love Our Coast survey, which opened today, will help with the development of the City’s coastal management programs which will shape future plans to enhance our coast.
The survey will collect a range of information including what beaches people visit and how frequently, what they do while they are there and why they choose the beaches they do.
It will also investigate how people get to the beach and how much money they spend during their trips.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the survey is key to identifying priorities and plans for the coastline moving forward.
“The responses from this survey will help us develop plans and projects to enhance our coast for future generations, like our coastal management programs, that include long-term actions to help ensure we can manage these important areas,” the Lord Mayor said.
“Our coastline is loved by many people and, in many ways, this forms a significant part of Newcastle’s identity as a liveable and sustainable global city.”
“Newcastle is fortunate to boast some of the best beaches in the world and a spectacular coastline that provides countless benefits to both our local economy and our way of life.”
Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen encouraged people to take part in the survey to have their say on how the City uses some of its most precious assets.
“Feedback from the community is very important to allow the City to understand how we value and use our beaches. We don’t only want to hear from the city’s beach lovers. It is open to everyone and the more feedback we get, the better informed our decisions will be moving forward.
“The insight provided by the survey will also ensure our coastal management programs satisfy requirements legislated by the Coastal Management Act 2016.”
The survey will be open for feedback from Monday 22 February to Friday 5 March. To share your thoughts, visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/yoursay