Memorial Drive bank set to be stabilised via $5 million project
06 Mar 2024
Work is expected to begin in April on a $5 million project to stabilise an embankment alongside Memorial Drive, which is used by more than 10,000 cars every day.
The project is being delivered by City of Newcastle (CN) with around $3 million funding from the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery Program.
Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon and Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes at the Memorial Drive site where the stabilisation work will begin next month.
Councillors voted last week to accept a tender for the work, which will repair the 115m-long section of the embankment compromised by a land slip during a period of significant rainfall.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the complex project would ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists using the nearby footpath and road.
"We have carried out extensive geotechnical investigations to determine the work required for this complex project, which takes into consideration the constraints presented by this site," Cr Nelmes said.
"The project is considered a priority for delivery in order to prevent future rain events further impacting the embankment, the footpath and the busy Memorial Drive, which is used by around 10,000 vehicles each day.
"We will be able to deliver this project with minimal disruption to traffic, maintaining the two-lane, two-way traffic flow on Memorial Drive for the duration of the construction."
Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon welcomed the $3 million investment by the Federal Government into this project.
"The Albanese Labor government is proud to be a major partner in this important restoration project, which will facilitate greater accessibility and improve safety for Novocastrians on a beloved section of our coastline," Ms Claydon said.
Interim protection measures have been in place since the land slip on the embankment, with temporary footpath access reinstated last year.
A new retaining wall will be constructed as part of the stabilisation works, with a series of steel-reinforced concrete piles to be poured vertically through the underlying rock.
Upgrades at the base of the existing stormwater channel will also help improve the flow of water during periods of heavy rain.
This will be followed by construction of a new street-level footpath on top of the renewed embankment to replace the temporary access, while kerb and guttering and road resurfacing work will also be completed.
Pedestrians are advised to use the footpath on the eastern side of Memorial Drive during the construction phase.