More time for summer at Beresfield Pool
27 Oct 2017
Beresfield Swimming Centre will be open from 6am to 7pm every weekend under new operating hours.
The extended operating hours will also see the Swimming Centre remain open for an extra hour every weekday to 7pm.
Newcastle City Council has announced the new hours will take effect from this Monday 30 October 2017.
Council resolved to amend the pool's operating hours at its Ordinary Council Meeting earlier this week.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the new hours will significantly improve community access to the swimming centre.
"The new expanded operating hours at Beresfield Swimming Centre will ensure that residents in the Beresfield and Tarro communities have greater access to public swimming facilities, more on par with the other swimming centres within the LGA," said the Lord Mayor.
The extended hours go through to the end of April 2018, although from mid-March 2018 the pool will close at 6pm every day.
Council also requested that staff investigate potential upgrades to the swimming centre including but not limited to additional shading, shaded seating and children's water activities, and provide a report back to Council with recommendations.
"Given the significant distance from Beresfield to our beaches and ocean baths, increased patronage at Beresfield Pool and the fact that it is the only Council owned and operated inland pool, we have a responsibility to provide increased community access and to ensure that the facilities are of an appropriate standard to meet the needs of residents," said the Lord Mayor.
The new operating hours are on Council's website here.