Museum offers more to discover
10 Sept 2020
Newcastle Museum is expanding its services and preparing for two new exhibitions after a period of reduced offerings due to COVID-19.
From Friday 25 September, Museum visitors will be required to use a smart phone to scan in via a QR code to provide their contact details for contact tracing purposes.
Not only will smart phones assist with keeping the community safe, people can experience the interactive attractions brought to life through their phones.
As with all of City of Newcastle’s facilities, careful planning has gone in to being able to safely reintroduce staff and visitors into the Museum space.
Visitors are asked to continue to practise social distancing, follow the floor markers and direction of Museum staff.
Due to safety reasons, the Museum's interactive exhibitions Supernova, Mininova will remain closed for now and the BHP Gallery will close for refurbishment from September 25.
The Museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday each week and open on Mondays during NSW public and school holidays. Entry is free, with tickets to Questacon's Colour Exhibition available online.
From 26 September, Fort Scratchley will also be open to the public on both Saturday and Sunday.
A series of Frequently Asked Questions are available at newcastlemuseum.com.au to assist the community with further information about the changes they may experience during their visit.