New online tool to simplify development controls in Newcastle
14 Mar 2024
City of Newcastle (CN) is making it easier to access design or development guidelines with the introduction of an innovative, interactive online tool.
The user-friendly digital portal was launched to coincide with the new Newcastle Development Control Plan, which came into effect on 1 March 2024.
Designed with intuitive features to improve the users' experience, the new DCP tool boasts quick navigation options, robust search functionality, and has the ability to mark favourite sections for easy reference.
Additionally, users have the convenience of downloading both the entire plan and specific sections.
The online tool will enhance accessibility and efficiency for all stakeholders, from industry experts to community members. The DCP was updated in 2023 following community consultation, with the new provisions coming into effect on 1 March 2024.
The enhanced provisions are informed by commitments made in the Newcastle 2040: Community Strategic Plan, Local Strategic Planning Statement, Local Housing Strategy document, and reflect best practice guidelines for development.
Key amendments include measures to address the impact of urban heat, liveable housing requirements, provisions to help increase walking, cycling and public transport use and revised measures for the retention or planting of street trees with a development.
Revisions were also made in areas of flood management, Aboriginal cultural heritage, City Centre developments and density controls, as well as built and landscape heritage.