New playgrounds in western corridor opened ahead of school holidays
26 June 2022
Families are celebrating City of Newcastle's (CN's) ongoing investment in recreational spaces, with two new playgrounds opened in the western corridor and plans for five more across the city unveiled.
Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes joined residents to officially open upgraded playgrounds at Minmi Reserve and McCauley Park in Tarro as part of CN's annual playground improvement program.
“Our local parks and playgrounds are places that our community can come together to relax and interact, and I’m delighted that these two upgraded playgrounds at Minmi and Tarro are ready for play in time for the school holidays in July," Cr Nelmes said.
"The turnout at our community openings reinforces the important role these public spaces play within local neighbourhoods, which is why we've invested more than $9 million in playground projects during the past five years.
"We will continue to deliver improved recreational opportunities for children across the local government area in the next 12 months, with $750,000 allocated through the 2022/23 Budget to install new and upgraded equipment at Waratah Park, Highland County in Fletcher, Harold Myers Park at Birmingham Gardens, Vera Wilson Park in Beresfield and Avon Street Reserve at Mayfield.”
Four playgrounds were included in the 2021/22 upgrade program, with the existing Minmi Reserve playground replaced with new features including a balancing trail, swings and sensory bridge, while new equipment at McCauley Park includes swings, slides, and climbing components. These improvements all cater to a broad age range of children.
Kotara Park has also been refreshed with a new design while the neighbourhood playground at Bernborough Avenue in Maryland will benefit from a full equipment upgrade in the coming months.
To stay up to date with the progress and to find out about works in your neighbourhood visit newcastle.nsw.gov.au/works