Newcastle community helps form picture of City’s future
11 Feb 2020
How do we maintain green spaces, buildings with character, access to transport and shops and a sense of community over the next 20 years with an additional 35,000 residents?
This is the question dealt with through the City of Newcastle’s draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), a legislated plan outlining the vision for land use along with the character and values of our growing city.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the draft LSPS had been developed on the back of a comprehensive community engagement program and is now on public exhibition for feedback.
“City of Newcastle’s Local Strategic Planning Statement will shape our land-use planning priorities to meet community needs and will set out how we should manage greenfield sites, community land and potential development areas over the next two decades,” the Lord Mayor said.
“The opinions and wishes of our residents are essential to the City’s planning process.
“Surveys, face-to-face drop-in sessions and a young person’s drawing activity were just some of the ways we gathered feedback on how to best shape the way our City will look and feel in 2040.
“Over 500 people participated in a survey which canvassed our community’s vision for land-use and neighbourhood character with questions relating to transport, environment, housing and jobs.
“In 20 years the picture of our city will look much different, with 19,500 new dwellings and 35,000 additional residents projected for Newcastle.
“It’s fantastic that the largest demographic to engage with us on this draft plan was the 16-19-year age group, ensuring the desires of our future ratepayers are reflected in our vision and plans for the future.
“The ‘Big Picture’ Newcastle 2040 drawing activity provided primary school aged young people an opportunity to offer ideas on what they love about their City, how improvements can be made and what needs to be maintained to ensure the City of Newcastle remains an incredible place to live.
“Our residents value a sense of community and opportunities for people to connect and
engage in their streets and neighbourhoods, as well as special places centred on our natural environment and open space.
“It’s now time for the broader community to have their say on how Newcastle should look in 2040 by reviewing the draft Local Strategic Planning Statement before it’s finalised and put to Council for endorsement.”
The Local Strategic Planning Statement is on public exhibition until Monday, 9 March. To view or make a submission, visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/Have-Your-Say/Projects/Planning-Newcastle-2040