Newcastle Libraries celebrate University of Third Age’s 30 years of lifelong learning
02 Nov 2020
City of Newcastle is helping over 50s explore new technologies and interact with smart city innovations through a partnership with University of the Third Age (U3A) as part of their 30th anniversary celebrations.
To mark the occasion, a series of thought-provoking lectures presented by 17 guest lecturers will take place during the month that cover an array of topics including the prospects for finding life in the universe, Newcastle's forgotten 1800s diva, the future of agriculture and a guide to 3D printing.
Newcastle U3A is a volunteer run community organisation with tutors who come from diverse backgrounds to freely share their knowledge and passion for continuous, lifelong learning.
A showcase celebration was launched at City of Newcastle’s new Digital Library at 12 Stewart Avenue today where participants explored the City’s newest community asset and were introduced to a range of state-of-the art digital technologies.
Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen said the University of the Third Age’s mantra of life-long learning aligns perfectly with City of Newcastle’s Libraries model.
“Embracing a culture of lifelong learning enhances every aspect of a person’s life and is known to be beneficial in many ways.
“It is fitting that City of Newcastle Libraries has partnered with Newcastle U3A to present this program as both organisations have a common vision.
“City of Newcastle’s Library Strategy 2019-2029 outlines the essential role that libraries play in actively supporting lifelong learning.
“We applaud the work of long-standing community groups such as U3A for their dedication and service to the community.”
Newcastle University of the Third Age Newcastle Acting President Jenny Williams said the local volunteer run organisation was delighted to partner with Newcastle Libraries to celebrate the 30-year achievement.
“Many people have experienced isolation and loneliness in 2020 due to the COVID restrictions. This program enables participants to meet online, learn new skills and make meaningful connections, as we transition back to a more normal face-to-face learning environment.
“The showcase is a tribute to the tutors’ dedication, perseverance, and commitment to the ideals of the U3A of providing ongoing education, for learning new skills, and fostering self-reliance and independence among members of the ‘third age’.
The community is invited to discover what the Newcastle U3A and the new digital library have to offer. For a full schedule of lectures, visit www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/library