One City, One Book 2018: The Birdman's Wife
31 Jan 2018
It's a summer of reading for Newcastle and Port Stephens libraries.
This year, The Birdman's Wife by Melissa Ashley is our One City, One Book community summer read. This captivating novel tells the story of Elizabeth Gould: artist, wife, mother and friend, who was also a major figure in the naturalist movement of the nineteenth century.
On Wednesday 14 February, join the Big Book Club for a panel discussion led by author Melissa Ashley. Presented in partnership with the University of Newcastle School of Creative Industries, the event will take place at the Conservatorium of Music, Auckland Street at 6.30pm.
"The Big Book Club is a wonderful way to bring the community together around learning and discussing literature," said Suzie Gately, Manager Libraries for Newcastle City Council.
"The 14th of February is also national Library Lovers Day, and what better way to celebrate libraries than with a Big Book Club?"
"Our panel discussion will focus on the award-winning novel by Melissa Ashley, the pivotal roles of Elizabeth Gould, Charles Darwin and the naturalist movement of the early nineteenth century, and the taxidermy of John Gould."
Entry is $8 and bookings are essential through Eventbrite. Tickets are also available at Port Stephens Library branches. Port Stephens Library is providing a free bus to the event with pickups from both Tomaree and Raymond Terrace libraries. Seats will be limited, so ring 4988 0111 or 4988 0670 to book your place.
Borrow a copy of The Birdman's Wife at your local library, download a copy from the library's eBook collection, or listen to the audio book, and get reading soon to be ready for the Big Book Club discussion and other events.
Newcastle Region Library holds one of the country's largest collections of John Gould's Birds of Australia publications, which feature original lithographs created by his wife Elizabeth Gould. The collection was donated to the city by Roland Pope.
One City, One Book events at Newcastle Region Library
Melissa Meets the Collection, Thursday 15 February 2018, 10:30 - 11:30am
One City, One Book events at Port Stephens Library
The Birdman's Wife with Melissa Ashley, Friday 16 February 2018, 1:30 - 3:30pm
For more information on these events, check the websites for Newcastle and Port Stephens libraries.