Ordinary Council Meeting 24 November
24 Nov 2020
Lord Mayoral Minutes
City of Newcastle submission – IPART Local Council Domestic Waste Management Charges discussion paper
A Lord Mayoral Minute about City of Newcastle’s submission to IPART Local Council Domestic Waste Management Charges discussion paper was unanimously supported. The Lord Mayor Minute raised concerns about the fact that while City of Newcastle pays around $37 million annually in Levy contributions, only $175,000 is returned to the Newcastle Local Government Area to fund vital resource recovery, waste management and waste and recycling education projects for the City. City of Newcastle will advocate for the NSW Government to adequately re-invest Waste Levy funds into the development of local waste management planning, local procurement, education and local priority waste management infrastructure projects such as the City of Newcastle Organics Recycling Facility at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
NSW Arts Maintenance and Upgrade Fund
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) about the NSW Arts Maintenance and Upgrade Fund was carried unanimously. The LMM welcomes the NSW Government’s 2020 Budget announcement of the creation of an Arts Maintenance and Upgrade Fund, allocating $103.5 million in capital expenditure over the next two years to both stimulate jobs and the economy through improving accessibility, sustainability and functionality at cultural assets, in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The Lord Mayoral Minute noted that the Newcastle Art Gallery Redevelopment Project is shovel ready and is specifically aimed at ensuring significant improvements to accessibility, sustainability and functionality of our gallery, as well as providing significant stimulus to the local economy and the creation of 170 local jobs.
Hunter renewable energy zone
A Lord Mayoral Minute praising the NSW Government’s commitment to establish the Renewable Energy Zone network, including the recent inclusion of the Hunter as the State’s newest Renewable Energy Zone. The Lord Mayoral Minute congratulated the NSW Government on their progressive approach to energy policy and pledged City of Newcastle’s support for the Hunter Renewable Energy Zone.
Ordinary business
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest – 1 August to 31 October
The Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 August and 31 October 2020 was received in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Staff.
Adoption of the 2025 Climate Action Plan
Councillors adopted the 2025 Climate Action, which sets new targets and outlines innovative and sustainable programs to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. City of Newcastle intends to transition to a fleet of electric vehicles, build operational resilience through additional renewables and battery storage, and switch all city lighting to LED during the next five years under a new Climate Action Plan.
Adoption of the Local Housing Strategy
Councillors adopted the Local Housing Strategy, which provides a guide to the development of sustainable, affordable and inclusive housing across the Local Government Area.
Endorsement of the Annual Report
Councillors have endorsed City of Newcastle’s 2019/20 Annual Report, which showcases the City’s achievements against strategic objectives and performance measures.
Public Exhibition of Draft 2021-2025 Destination Management Plan
Council has voted to place the City’s draft 2021-2025 Destination Management Plan on public exhibition. The plan was created with stakeholders from across the industry and sets out a raft of initiatives and projects set to stimulate the local tourism economy and increase visitor spend.
Draft Community Land Plan of Management – public exhibition
Councillors have supported the submission of a draft Community Land Plan of Management to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment - Crown Lands. Following approval from Crown Lands, the Plan of Management will be placed on public exhibition for 42 days.
Proposed road closures – 144 Boundary Road, Wallsend
This motion was laid on the table, with Councillors to receive a briefing at a Councillor Workshop. The motion proposes to close two parcels of road reserve at 144 Boundary Road, Wallsend, and sell the land to the adjoining property owners.
Variations to development standards
Council has received a report on approved development variations between 1 July and 30 September 2020.
Endorse a planning proposal to rezone and reclassify land at 233 Wharf Road and rezone land 150 and 150A, 250 Scott Street, Newcastle
Councillors endorsed an amendment to the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 to rezone and reclassify 233 Wharf Road (Boat Harbour car park) and rezone Parcel 12 of the former rail corridor, which includes 250, part 150 and 150A, Scott Street and part 280 Hunter Street and adopt a new site-specific section in the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012.
Adoption of planning agreement – 73-79 Railway Lane, Wickham
Council endorsed the Planning Agreement for 73-79 Railway Lane, Wickham and authorised the Chief Executive Officer to execute the Planning Agreement.
Draft Parking Plan – public exhibition
Council resolved to place the Draft Parking Plan on public exhibition. The Plan covers the management of the City’s parking and has implications for a range of economic, environmental and social outcomes, including urban form, vitality of centres and travel choices.
Draft Cycling Plan – public exhibition
Councillors voted to place the Draft Cycling Plan on public exhibition. The draft Cycling Plan reflects changes to the strategic framework for cycling and responds to contemporary issues, opportunities and challenges that influence the cycling space. It also reflects the outcomes of early engagement workshops with key stakeholders along with survey responses from the community and input from City of Newcastle’s Cycling Working Party.
September Quarterly Budget Review
Council received the September Quarterly Budget Review.
September Quarterly Performance Report on the 2018-2022 Delivery Program
Council received the September Quarterly Performance Report on the 2018-2022 Delivery Program.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for October 2020.
Tender Report – Provision of Security Services – contract 2020/232T
Councillors voted to accept a tender for the provision of security services in accordance with Contract No. 2020/232T.
Land Acquisition – 77 Dangerfield Drive, Elermore Vale
Councillors approved the acquisition of 77 Dangerfield Drive, Elermore Vale (Land) for the purposes of environmental management.
Extension of recyclables processing contract
Councillors voted to extend contract 2020/277T for the processing of recyclables.
Notices of Motion
A Notice of Motion that requests McDonalds Restaurants provide Councillors with a briefing on the safety, security and cleanliness measures that are in place at the King Street, Newcastle West McDonalds’ premises and any future measures currently being planned, was laid on the table to be considered at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.
Keep Newcastle streets and creeks clear of shopping trolleys
A Notice of Motion noting the negative impact of abandoned shopping trolleys on community amenity, safety and the environment, and the costs to council associated with their removal and management was carried unanimously. The NoM calls on trolley owners, especially the major supermarkets and local shopping centre management, to take a more proactive approach to managing their assets, and preventing them from ending up in public places, on roads, or in creeks and waterways.
Offshore coal, oil and gas exploration and mining
A Notice of Motion reaffirming City of Newcastle’s opposition to both offshore exploration and mining activity due to unacceptable environmental impacts, and negative economic impacts on the recreational and commercial fishing and tourism industries, was carried.
Stronger community council grants scheme
A Notice of Motion expressing deep concern with the lack of integrity measures surrounding the $252 million Stronger Communities Fund administered by the NSW Coalition Government was carried. The NoM notes that every council in NSW has projects that have strong community support and genuine urgency and further notes the critical importance of State Government grants funding in the delivery of these projects through due process.
Support for global fur ban
A Notice of Motion for City of Newcastle to review its event policies, terms and guidelines associated with the use of Council land to prohibit the sale of fur products, mislabelled fake fur products, and other exotic animal skins on Council property, including looking at how an exemption for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vendors that may be impacted could be applied, was carried.