Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 12 December 2023
12 Dec 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 12 December 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Local Climate Action Summit
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported aacknowledging that the United Nations Climate Change Conference was recently held in Dubai, with the COP28 Presidency and Bloomberg Philanthropies inviting Local Government representatives from Australia to participate in the Local Climate Action Summit.
The Minute noted City of Newcastle’s recently adopted Newcastle Environment Strategy and welcomed the outcomes of the Summit, which recognised the critical role local government leaders play in reducing emissions and addressing climate risk.
Peace in Israel and Palestine
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported acknowledging the concerns of Novocastrians regarding the ongoing Israel-Gaza Crisis, and the profound impact of ongoing hostilities on innocent civilians and supports the United Nations call for a return to a path of peace, a respect for international humanitarian and international human rights law, and an end to the suffering of people in Gaza and in Israel, and those families still waiting for their loved ones to return.
Ordinary business
Newcastle Art Gallery loan contract
Council unanimously voted to approve the CEO to review, accept and execute a loan contract with NSW Treasury Corporation for $12.6 million, with funds to be utilised toward the Newcastle Art Gallery expansion project.
Hunter Street trial cycleway Stage 2 design
Council unanimously voted to adopt the proposed Hunter Street Cycleway Stage 2 design between National Park Street, Newcastle West and Ivy Street, Islington.
Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road Wallsend concept designs
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road widening concept designs, which will see an increase to two travel lanes in each direction to improve traffic flow and alleviate congestion.
Adoption of the Council Property Lease and Licence Policy
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Council Property Lease and Licence Policy, setting out the way Council Property will be leased and licenced by individuals, organisations and business.
Annual Review and adoption of the Investment and Borrowing Policy
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Investment and Borrowing Policy, which ensures the investment and borrowing functions of City of Newcastle comply with relevant legislation and guidelines.
Adoption of Outdoor Dining Policy and Guidelines
Council voted to adopt the Outdoor Dining Policy 2023, Outdoor Dining Guidelines 2023 and the proposed annual fee for permanent fixtures.
Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creeks Flood Study
Council voted to adopt the Throsby, Styx and Cottage Creek Flood Study, with the amendment that flood mapping is identified as 'subject to further investigation' at John Parade, Merewether, Kimbarra Close, Wallace Street and Gregory Parade, Kotara.
Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023
Council voted to approve the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023, which will become operational on 1 March 2024.
Draft Newcastle Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme
Council voted to commence the statutory process to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 to progress the draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme.
505 Minmi Road Fletcher
Council noted that City of Newcastle will be requesting the Minister not to proceed with the planning proposal for land at 505 Minmi Road Fletcher, due to the proponent not having satisfied the Department of Planning and Environment's Gateway determination conditions.
Code of Conduct annual statistics
Council noted City of Newcastle’s Code of Conduct complaints statistics report for the period 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 in accordance with Office of Local Government requirements.
Notices of Motion
Merewether Beach emergency first response safety measures
Council supported an amended motion noting that City of Newcastle regularly monitors water safety signage at its six patrolled beaches and has new signage planned for installation at the southern access point to Merewether Beach before the end of December. CN will write to Surf Live Saving NSW seeking advice on the provision of an Emergency Response Beacon at the city's beaches to enhance communication to the State Operations Centre.