Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 13 December 2022
13 Dec 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 13 December 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Hunter & Central Coast Regional Planning Panel Refusal of Winten Development Application in Minmi
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted the Hunter & Central Coast Regional Planning Panel's refusal of a development application for 144 Woodford Street, Minmi.
City of Newcastle will advocate that any future application should not impact the operations of the Summerhill Waste Management Centre, particularly the future southern access road.
City of Newcastle will also write to the Local Government Boundaries Commission noting resolutions of both Lake Macquarie and City of Newcastle elected Councils that agreed to adjust the LGA boundaries to ensure that consistent planning is applied to this strategic site, in particular, Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted the recent 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), which was held in Egypt. City of Newcastle will write to Chris Bowen, Minister for Energy and Climate Change, expressing City of Newcastle's interest in hosting a COP29 delegation, should Australia be successful in its bid as host nation, to demonstrate the transformation within the Newcastle LGA from an industrialised town to a naturally diverse, sustainable and livable global city.
Financial sustainability of Local Government
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted the most up-to-date data from Local Government NSW's report, "Impact of cost-shifting on local government in NSW", shows a shift of costs from state to local government totals more than $820 million in 2018, and more than $6.2 billion since 2008.
City of Newcastle will call on the NSW State Government and Labor Opposition to commit to the recommendations of that LGNSW report.
A robust, resilient region – the need for a 'Hunter Valley Authority'
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that called on the NSW Government to establish a statutory authority recognising the transformation that is underway in our energy industry. This authority would be charged with mitigating the adverse impacts of coal power station closures on Hunter Valley workforces and communities, as a priority.
Ordinary business
Code of Conduct annual statistics
Council noted City of Newcastle’s Code of Conduct complaints statistics report for the period 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022.
Adoption of 2023 council meeting schedule
Council unanimously voted to adopt the schedule for Council Meetings to be held in the 2023 calendar year.
Compulsory acquisition of community land by Transport for NSW – Newcastle Inner City Bypass
Council notes the compensation value of eight parcels of Community Land compulsorily acquired by Transport for NSW as determined by the Valuer General was $2,140,000. This was $985,000 above the final offer made by Transport for NSW for the land.
Adoption of Council policies
Council voted to adopt the Investment and Borrowing Policy, Community Grants Policy, Housing Policy and Procurement Policy. It is recommended that all policies adopted by the former Council be re-adopted by the new Council, ideally within the first 12 months of the new term.
Adoption of Harbour Foreshore Masterplan
Council voted unanimously on an amended motion to adopt the Harbour Foreshore Masterplan, which covers a precinct inclusive of Wharf Road, Foreshore Reserve and Foreshore Park. The masterplan provides a strategic long-term vision and conceptual layout to guide future development and management of the area as the city's key iconic destination and premier major events park.
Public exhibition of Newcastle 500 community consultation strategy
Council voted unanimously on an amended motion to place the Draft Newcastle 500 Community Consultation Strategy on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. A report will be provided to Council following the consultation period that provides insights across different stakeholder groups on the level of support for the extension of the Newcastle 500 event for a further five years.
Lingard proposal
Council voted unanimously to place the draft Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement of the Lingard Hospital Precinct Planning Proposal on public exhibition for 28 days and receive a report on the outcomes of the exhibition.
Tooke Street, Cooks Hill – pedestrian facility upgrades
Council voted unanimously on an amended motion to approve the installation of kerb extensions and reconstruction of local traffic area entry treatment on Tooke Street, Cooks Hill, including the associated pedestrian infrastructure and footpath connections.
Tender report – Stockton buried protection structure
Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for the construction of a buried protection structure at the southern end of Mitchell Street, Stockton.
Notices of Motion
Cyber security
Council endorsed a notice of motion that noted the elevated international level of cyber security events and called on the NSW Government to support the local government sector in its protection of data held online, by providing a relevant permanent funding stream to assist and supplement investment of this protection by councils. A workshop will be held for Councillors in early 2023 on CN’s cyber security outlook, initiatives and response.
37 Llewellyn Street – loss of right of way
Council supported a notice of motion that called on City of Newcastle's Planning, Transport and Regulation team to investigate what appears to be the effective removal, or limitation on the use of, a right-of-carriageway at 37 Llewellyn Street Merewether. Council will receive a report outlining the results of the investigation and identifying the prospects for establishing ongoing access arrangements beyond the completion of the development of the site.
Greater Newcastle TAFE new industries training centres
Council supported an amended notice of motion that noted a recommendation from the Hunter Jobs Alliance that New Industries Training Centres be established at TAFE NSW locations in Tighes Hill and Muswellbrook to meet the vocational training needs for renewable energy, clean technology, hydrogen and decarbonised manufacturing. City of Newcastle will write to all local State Members of Parliament in addition to Alister Henskens MP as Minister for Skills and Training, and Tim Crakanthorp MP as Shadow Minister for Skills and TAFE, outlining the benefits of this proposal and seeking their support.
Improving the safety and amenity of Awaba Park, Hamilton
Council unanimously endorsed an amended notice of motion that requests the Newcastle Local Area Command re-establish the ‘Business Beat’ program in which local NSW Police engage on a regular basis with Hamilton businesses.
City of Newcastle will write to the Minister for Transport, David Elliott, State Member for Newcastle, Tim Crakanthorp, and the Newcastle Local Area Command of the NSW Police, calling for an increase in active Police patrols of Hamilton Railway Station, Awaba Park and the surrounding area; and an investigation of the feasibility of providing additional CCTV cameras and resources by the NSW Government to monitor the alleged and perceived increase in criminal behaviour at Hamilton Train Station, the adjacent Awaba Park, and surrounds.
City of Newcastle will also write the Minister for Mental Health, Regional Health and Woman, Bronnie Taylor, MLC, calling for expanded Mental Health / Alcohol Other Drugs outreach services within the city.
Correspondence from Hamilton Business Association
Council unanimously endorsed a notice of motion to initiate investigations on the installation of a rainbow crossing in Beaumont Street, Hamilton to coincide with World Pride Festivities, or the Newcastle Pride Festival later in 2023. Newcastle will host the first official event of Sydney World Pride with the Pink Salt Dinner on Saturday 18 February 2023.
Rates reduction for Community Housing Providers
Council endorsed an amended notice of motion that notes that Community Housing Providers are regarded as ‘public benevolent institutions’ under s556 of the Local Government Act and are eligible for rate exemption where property is used for purposes consistent with the objectives of their governing constitution.
City of Newcastle will work with CN's Affordable Housing Working Party to initiate a memorandum of understanding with each of the CHPs receiving rates relief, to formalise the community benefit of affordable housing built or modified in the city, including to see a net increase in the amount of social and affordable housing in Newcastle.
Hunter Regional Plan – Respect for Green Corridor
Council endorsed a notice of motion that notes the release of the Hunter Regional Plan 2041 by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) including changes made since the public consultation of the draft Plan, which now identifies undeveloped sections of the Green Corridor as ‘New Residential Land’.
City of Newcastle will write to DPE and the Greater Cities Commission urgently requesting that the Hunter Regional Plan maps with respect to the Green Corridor and 505 Minmi Road be updated to maintain consistency with Council’s adopted Local Strategic Planning Statement.