Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 August 2023
22 Aug 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 22 August 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
City of Newcastle Seniors Reference Group
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported for City of Newcastle to create a Seniors Reference Group, whose Chairperson and members will be senior representatives of the Newcastle LGA, tasked with overseeing, organising and facilitating a range of events and activities that support the health and wellbeing of senior residents in our community, including CN's Seniors Week Program.
50th Anniversary of the End of the War in Vietnam
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledged that 18 August 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia's involvement in the War in Vietnam and recognises the immense suffering endured by Australia's service men and women, as well as by the Vietnamese people, both during and the decades since the end of the conflict. The Minute acknowledged that Newcastle was one of the first communities in the country to recognise Vietnam Veterans, through the dedication of a small memorial plaque in the early 1980s in Civic Park, which is reported to be the first memorial in Australia to the Vietnam Conflict.
Two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledged 15 August 2023 as the two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul and the subsequent events that have unfolded. The Motion commended the efforts of local organisations, charities, and individuals who have been working tirelessly to provide aid, support, and refuge to those affected by the events in Afghanistan, and encouraged Newcastle residents to foster an environment of empathy, inclusivity, and understanding, welcoming Afghan refugees and contributing to their successful integration into our community.
Congratulations Matildas
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that congratulated the Matildas, including Novocastrians Emily Van Egmond and Claire Wheeler, on their remarkable success in the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, having not only brought glory to our nation but have also inspired countless individuals of all ages and all genders with their exceptional performance and dedication to the sport. The Minute thanked City of Newcastle staff for their great work supporting the Live Sites, which were incredibly successful in activating Wheeler Place and allowing Novocastrians the opportunity to show their love for women's football, women's sport, and their community spirit.
Ordinary business
Adoption of Community Engagement Strategy
Council unanimously voted to adopt the 2023 – 2026 Community Engagement Strategy, which outlines articulates CN’s commitment to actively seeking feedback from the community to support the development of its plans, policies, programs and key activities.
Adoption of Community Infrastructure Incentives in Wickham planning proposal
Council unanimously voted to endorse the Community Infrastructure Incentives in Wickham planning proposal, and adopt Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 Section 6.03 Wickham and the Wickham Community Infrastructure Plan.
Urban Design Review Panel Annual Report 2022
Council received the Urban Design Review Panel Annual Report 2022. The Panel evaluates and critiques the urban design aspects of major commercial, industrial, residential, community and civic developments in Newcastle.
Adoption of Darby Street revised traffic calming designs
Council unanimously voted to adopt upgrades to traffic calming infrastructure on Darby Street between Parry and Tyrrell Streets, Cooks Hill, which were installed as part of the Darby Street – Streets as Shared Spaces Trial.
Endorsement of motions for submission to the 2023 Local Government NSW Conference
Council unanimously voted to endorse the motions for submission to the Local Government New South Wales' 2023 Annual Conference, which is being held from 12-14 November 2023.
Granting of two easements – Wallsend
Council unanimously voted to grant easements in favour of Ausgrid on two City of Newcastle land parcels in Tyrrell Street and Nelson Street, Wallsend for infrastructure purposes.
Variations to development standards
Council received the report on approved development variations between 3 April 2023 and 30 June 2023 in accordance with the Department of Planning and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest 1 May to 31 July 2023
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 May to 31 July 2023 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Determination of number of Councillors
Council unanimously adopted an alternate motion that calls on the State Government to provide genuine reform of local government through full collaborative review of the Local Government Act 1993, in consultation with LGNSW, the USU and the local government sector.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for July 2023.
Notices of Motion
CCTV and City of Newcastle sports facilities
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that reiterated its support for sporting clubs to install CCTV systems to protect their own assets, provided they are self-funded or supported by State or Federal Government grants. This support requires the standard approvals for club initiated capital works on a CN owned building. The motion noted recent case studies in local media where CCTV units were installed on sporting club buildings, but this did not prevent vandalism or theft and (to date) has not led to an arrest. City of Newcastle will write to NSW Minister for Police and Minister for the Hunter, Yasmin Catley MP, noting that the Newcastle LGA has been systematically excluded from state government CCTV funding (alongside other grants) over the past 12 years. A summary of CN’s existing approach to CCTV and support for self-funded units will be included during the upcoming Sport Summit being held in September 2023.