Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 March 2022
22 Mar 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 22 March 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minute
Federal Election Priorities
A Lord Mayoral Minute regarding federal election priorities was supported ahead of the May 2022 election. City of Newcastle will prepare an election priorities document to enable advocacy for funding and delivery of projects and policies, consistent with CN priorities and budget commitments.
Priorities include, but are not limited to Newcastle Airport Terminal expansion, Richmond Vale Rail Trail, National Park No.1 Sportsground redevelopment, Hunter Park (Broadmeadow Sports and Entertainment Precinct), Sporting Facility Fund, Surf Lifesaving Club redevelopment funding, Stockton Coastal Erosion mitigation and sand replenishment.
Ordinary Business
Endorsement of motions to the 2022 National General Assembly of Local Government
Council endorsed 11 motions for submission to the 2022 Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly, which is being held from 19-22 June 2022 at the National Convention Centre, Canberra.
Public exhibition of Wickham Masterplan update 2022
Council voted to place the draft Wickham Masterplan 2021 Update (2022 amendment) on public exhibition for 28 days and receive a report following the exhibition period.
Exhibition of Planning Proposal and Development Control Plan for Community Infrastructure Incentives at Wickham
Council supported the Planning Proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 in order to implement the Draft Wickham Masterplan 2021 Update (2022 Amendment).
City of Newcastle will forward the Planning Proposal to the Minister for Planning for 'Gateway Determination'.
Council also voted to place the Planning Proposal, subject to Gateway Determination, on public exhibition for 28 days.
Exhibition of Draft Newcastle Development Control Plan Section 6.03 Wickham
Council voted to place the draft Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 Section 6.03 Wickham on public exhibition for 28 days.
Council will receive a report on submissions received after the public exhibition period including any further amendments made in response to submissions.
Employment zones reform
Council received a report on the NSW Government’s changes to employment zones in all NSW Local Environment Plans. City of Newcastle will make a formal submission to the Department of Planning and Environment raising concerns about the short timeframe to consider the significant reform.
Elizabeth Street, Tighes Hill - proposed raised crossing at Union Street
Council approved the proposed upgrade of the pedestrian crossing in Elizabeth Street Tighes Hill, near Union Street, to a raised crossing with kerb extensions.
Tauranga Road, New Lambton - half road closure at Lambton Road
Council approved the proposed half road closure of Tauranga Road at Lambton Road, Lambton, and implement one-way northbound traffic flow between Thalaba Road and Lambton Road.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for February 2022, which reports on City of Newcastle’s monthly performance.
Tender report - Lambton Pool waterslide replacement
Council voted to approve an exemption to tender under Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the design, supply and installation of a waterslide at Lambton Swimming Centre.
Organics Processing Facility
Council voted to accept a variation to contract 2019/144T for the design and construction of an organics processing facility for combined food organics and garden organics at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre to enable food waste to be brought forward by four years.
Notices of Motion
Support for east coast submarine naval base in Newcastle
Council did not endorse a Notice of Motion asking for City of Newcastle to support the building of the new east coast future Navy base in Newcastle.
Supporting the National 'Statement from the Heart' for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition campaign
Council endorsed a Notice of Motion calling for City of Newcastle to support the National 'Statement from The Heart' and the campaign for Constitutional Recognition of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, and to recognise that 26 May represents the fifth anniversary of the Statement from The Heart.
Council will partner with the Gurakiai Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Local Government NSW and From the Heart to hold public forums in Newcastle to raise community awareness of the issues.
Preservation and repurposing of Shepherds Hill Observation Post
Council endorsed an amended notice of motion to write to the Minister for Defence to seek funding for feasibility investigations and concept plan for the adaptive reuse of the Shepherds Hill Observation Post, which could include activities such as whale watching.
Refugee / asylum seekers - humanitarian settlement
Council supported a Notice of Motion calling for the Lord Mayor to write to the NSW members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the current Minister for Home Affairs, Karen Andrews, requesting urgent humanitarian settlement for all refugees and asylum seekers who seek sanctuary and a safe home in Australia. As a Refugee Welcome City, CN offers its support to assist stakeholders to settle those refugees and asylum seekers as soon as possible after leaving detention.
Council also endorsed adding City of Newcastle to the list of local councils supporting the Back your Neighbour campaign.
Newcastle Surf Lifesaving Clubs
Council supported an amended Notice of Motion noting that the development of a Coastal Management Plan is underway, and significant investment has already been made into coastal assets. City of Newcastle will continue to explore future funding options with Federal, State, and external stakeholders to maximise the functionality of local Surf Lifesaving Clubs, which will provide a community service and increase tourism visitation to enjoy Newcastle’s beautiful beaches and outdoor recreational lifestyle.
Gas Decarbonisation
Council supported a Notice of Motion to write to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and various Ministers to urgently develop a gas decarbonisation roadmap, setting business, industry and households up to be resilient and sustainable in a decarbonising world, while safeguarding jobs in important manufacturing industries.
Newcastle West Safety Audit
Council supported a Notice of Motion to conduct a crime prevention through environmental design safety audit for the 'West End' after dark precinct during the detailed design phase of the West End city centre revitalisation program of works in consultation with residents, NSW Police, local venue operators, Councillors, City of Newcastle staff, and other key stakeholders.
City of Newcastle Creative Hoardings Program
Council supported a Notice of Motion to investigate the feasibility of initiating a Newcastle Creative Hoardings Program, whereby developers with construction sites in high visibility areas must cover their hoardings with street art concepts, created by local street artists (wherever possible) as endorsed by the City's Public Art Reference Group.
The Motion also noted that the popular Big Picture Festival is returning later in 2022 as a part of the Special Business Rate Program, and event organisers propose to collaborate with other SBR street art projects to create a more holistic and broader initiative.