Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 November 2022
22 Nov 2022
Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 November 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 22 November 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
City of Newcastle and Ube City Sister City 42nd Anniversary
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported to recognise that Monday 21 November 2022 marked the 42nd anniversary since City of Newcastle signed a Sister City agreement with Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
Council will explore opportunities to partner with Ube on its GIGA School Concept, National e-Sports Championships, and carbon neutrality initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and invite Mayor Shinozaki and delegates to visit Newcastle in 2023.
City of Newcastle Accelerated Development Application System
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that congratulated the Planning and Environment Directorate for the successful development, trial and roll-out of the new CN Accelerated Development Application System.
Council will explore opportunities to further highlight the success of the Accelerated Development Application System by collaborating with other government authorities on its adoption state-wide.
s.88 Domestic Waste Management Service Charge
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that reaffirmed CN's support for 100 per cent of section 88 Domestic Waste Management Service Charge funds to be returned to local government for reinvestment in recycling facilities, landfill diversion, community education, technology improvements and circular economy opportunities.
Council will call on the NSW Government and Opposition to commit to return 100 per cent of the waste levy to local councils to fund waste diversion from landfill initiatives such as those outlined in Our Sustainable Waste Strategy 2023.
Ordinary business
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest - 1 August to 31 October 2022
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for 1 August to 31 October 2022 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Application for (Newcastle) Show Holiday
Council voted to make an application to the Minister for Employee Relations seeking the proclamation of Show Day for Friday 3 March 2023 as a Local Event Day as set out in the Public Holidays Act 2010.
Adoption of Our Sustainable Waste Strategy
Council received the engagement report on Our Sustainable Waste Strategy and unanimously voted to adopt the Strategy, including the Strategic Framework, White Paper and Delivery Plan.
Adoption of Newcastle Cultural Precinct concept masterplan
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Newcastle Cultural Precinct Concept Masterplan to ensure long-term planning for protection of the city's cultural institutions as well as ways of enhancing and better activating the precinct.
Endorsement of 2021/2022 Annual Report
Council unanimously voted to endorse City of Newcastle's 2021/22 Annual Report and its submission to the NSW Minister for Local Government by 30 November 2022.
Adoption of Planning Agreement for 10 Dangar Street, Wickham
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Planning Agreement for 10 Dangar Street, Wickham, noting that no submissions were received during its public exhibition.
Public exhibition of Planning Agreement for 30 and 31 Vista Parade, Kotara
Council unanimously voted to place the Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note for 30 and 31 Vista Parade, Kotara on public exhibition for 28 days.
Supplementary report - adoption of Newcastle Heritage Policy
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Newcastle Heritage Policy, which outlines City of Newcastle's commitment to heritage conservation by identification, preservation, conservation, celebration and promotion of the city's rich cultural heritage.
Compliance and Enforcement Policy
Council unanimously voted to place the City of Newcastle's Compliance and Enforcement Policy on public exhibition for 28 days.
Adoption of Council policies
Council voted to adopt City of Newcastle's Donations Program Policy, Procurement Policy and Public Voice and Public Briefings Policy.
September quarterly budget review
Council received the September quarterly Budget review statement and voted to adopt the revised budget.
September quarterly performance report on the 2018-2022 delivery program
Council received the 2022-2026 Delivery Program - September quarterly performance report.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for October 2022.
Notices of Motion
Rates notice proposal to reduce vacant housing
Council supported an amended notice of motion to refer the matter of vacant housing and the rental housing crisis to the Affordable Housing Working Party to explore options to promote awareness, which could be undertaken by City of Newcastle and other relevant housing providers and stakeholders.
City of Newcastle will explore options to expand its ID (Informed Decisions) subscription to include the Housing Monitor, Economic Profile and Community Views tools.
Stockton erosion
Council supported a notice of motion that reiterated the urgency of addressing erosion at Stockton and called on the NSW Government to use its expertise to ensure a planning pathway is secured for offshore extraction. The NOM further resolved that a mass offshore sand nourishment delivery program must be led by the NSW Government and called on them to fund mass sand nourishment consistent with the Stockton Coastal Management Plan and direct Hunter Central Coast Development Corporation to complete the nominated work to secure the mining licence and planning approvals.
City naming policy
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion for City of Newcastle to develop a draft Naming Policy to provide a principle-based approach to naming of city assets consistent with the policies of the NSW Geographical Names Board, including consideration of local heritage, diversity, community sensitivity and consultation.
Co-funding an aerial bundled cabling program
Council unanimously endorsed an amended notice of motion that notes the collaborative relationship between Ausgrid staff, contractors and the City of Newcastle in managing electrical line clearances and Newcastle's street tree canopy. City of Newcastle will support Ausgrid’s proposal for co-funding of Aerial Bundled Cable (ABC) upgrades in collaboration with Councils as part of their Draft Plan 2024-29, and will write to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to request funding to support councils with their contribution. City of Newcastle will report to the elected Council on potential opportunities, in collaboration with Ausgrid, for local ABC upgrades in priority locations in the Newcastle LGA.