Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 March 2021
23 Mar 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 23 March 2021. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Support for a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was supported noting that a motion to establish a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide passed the House of Representatives on Monday, 22 March 2021, with the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party calling for a Royal Commission since December 2019.
The LMM called for Council to support the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, and the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party’s calls for the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, to listen to veterans and advocates, the will of the Australian Parliament, and establish a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide immediately.
The carried LMM called for council to write to the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, thanking the Federal Opposition for their ongoing advocacy to establish a Royal Commission in Veteran Suicide. In addition, the minute called for council to write to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, calling on the Australian Government to immediately establish a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide.
New Annual Facts
A Lord Mayoral Minute, which was supported, called for Cr John Church to retract his factually incorrect letter in the Newcastle Herald, noting that Cr Church cannot both support the arts industry in this city and congratulate the artists and organisers of New Annual, while misrepresenting festival attendance figures and opposing funding for the amazing creative and performing arts industries in Newcastle.
TRANSform Newy
A Lord Mayoral Minute, which was supported, congratulated Hunter Gender Alliance, who were successful in receiving a Boost Your Place Grant for their TRANSform Newy initiative. The project aims at improving the rights, health and lives of trans and gender diverse (TGD) people, with a resource booklet with personal experiences and practical tips to help organisations TRANSform their places into a welcoming and safe environment for all.
The LMM asked council to take the TRANSform Newy Pledge, and commit to work with the Hunter Gender Alliance to implement positive changes for TGD people in Newcastle.
In addition, the minute called for City of Newcastle to publish the pledge on its website, with a copy of the TRANSform Newy resource booklet.
Racism Not Welcome Campaign
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was carried to support the ‘Racism Not Welcome’ campaign, as recently endorsed by the City of Sydney and Inner West Council, and headed up by former Socceroos Captain, SBS commentator and human rights campaigner, Craig Foster.
The minute acknowledged Newcastle’s long and proud history as a progressive, welcoming city, including its official status as a Refugee Welcome Zone, and consistent advocacy as a local government leader when it comes to providing support for refugees and migrants settling in Newcastle.
The LMM will explore partnership opportunities with local multicultural organisations and peak bodies as well as grant funding opportunities to support the delivery of the campaign; and asks for the promotion of the ‘Racism Not Welcome’ campaign on City of Newcastle’s website, social media channels and in communication material.
Ordinary Business
Administration of 2021 Council Elections
Councillors voted to determine arrangements for the administration of the Local Government election in the Newcastle Local Government Area on 4 September 2021.
Appointment of voting delegate to the 2021 National General Assembly of Local Government and endorsement of motions
Councillors voted unanimously to appoint the Lord Mayor to exercise Council’s voting rights at the 2021 Australian Local Government Association’s National General Assembly (NGA) or to appoint a voting delegate from among the Councillor attendees.
Councillor representation on external committee – Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel
Councillors noted Councillor Jason Dunn’s resignation from the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel and appointed Councillor Peta Winney-Baartz as City of Newcastle’s representative on the Panel with Councillor Brad Luke selected as an alternative representative, until the day before the next local government election.
Stairway to Heaven feasibility analysis
Councillors voted to authorise the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a Heads of Agreement with Iris Capital to reach in-principle agreement on the terms and conditions under which the parties might progress the Stairway to Heaven concept. The project would create a landmark public space to enhance the visual and physical connections to Christ Church Cathedral through an integrated approach incorporating City of Newcastle owned land and Iris Capital owned land.
Supplementary report nomination to list Newcastle Recreation Reserve (King Edward Park) on the State Heritage Register
Councillors voted to endorse a nomination to list Newcastle Recreation Reserve (King Edward Park) on the State Heritage Register, which will be forwarded to the Heritage Council for consideration.
The nomination area excludes the King Edward Headland Reserve, which is owned by the Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council.
The motion recognised that the inclusion of items on the State Heritage Register is a matter for the NSW Government and the Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts (The Hon Don Harwin MLC). It also acknowledged that regardless of its inclusion on the State Heritage Register, any future development of the Headland Reserve will need to be consistent with the City’s zoning and planning controls. Any future development application will need to address and respond to both onsite heritage and the heritage values of adjoining parcels.
Adoption the 2021-2025 Destination Management Plan
Councillors voted to adopt the 2021-2025 Destination Management Plan, which provides a framework and initiatives to support and expand the Newcastle visitor economy as it recovers in a post COVID-19 environment.
Scholey Street, Mayfield – proposed pedestrian /cycle refuge, road cushions and intersection realignment
Councillors voted to approve the pedestrian and cycle refuge and road cushions on Scholey Street, Mayfield near Nelson Street and realignment of the intersection, to facilitate connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists and improve safety.
Wallarah Road at Young Road, Lambton – pedestrian refuge
Councillors voted to approve a pedestrian refuge on Wallarah Road at Young Road, Lambton, to modify vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety and connectivity in this location.
Beresford Lane and Cooper Street, Newcastle West – Changes to traffic flow direction
Councillors voted to approve the traffic flow changes of Beresford Lane, Newcastle West from eastbound to westbound between Stewart Avenue and Cooper Street and Cooper Street Newcastle West from two-way traffic flow to one-way southbound between Beresford Lane and Hunter Street.
Public Exhibition of the draft 2021/22 Our Budget (Delivery Program 2018-2022 and Operational Plan 2021/22)
Councillors resolved to publicly exhibit the draft 2021/22 Our Budget (2018-2022 Delivery Program and 2021/22 Operational Plan) and draft 2021/22 Fees and Charges Register for 28 days prior to final consideration by Council.
Update to Special Business Rate guidelines
Councillors voted to adopt the updated Assessment Panel membership for the Special Business Rate Expression of Interest Guidelines.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Councillors received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for February 2021, which reports on City of Newcastle’s monthly performance.
Notices of Motion
City of Newcastle Webcam Network
Councillors supported a Notice of Motion to seek NSW Government ‘Smart Places’ funding to develop a strategic network of high-resolution webcams across the LGA to support the visitor and experience economy.
Maintenance of Street Trees under aerial powerlines
Councillors unanimously carried a Notice of Motion for City of Newcastle to write to Ausgrid’s CEO Richard Goss requesting that he provide Councillors with a briefing on current practice for street tree maintenance and management under aerial powerlines.
City of Newcastle notes the contribution of Newcastle’s street tree population to the city’s urban forest, an intergenerational resource that provides multiple community benefits, and the need to improve practices and capacity to ensure these benefits.
GIPA Policy Review
Councillors unanimously carried a Notice of Motion endorsing recent changes to the presentation of confidential items in the Council agenda and business papers to provide greater transparency to the community.
Consistent procedures for sensitive development
Councillors unanimously carried a Notice of Motion that the elected Council is to be notified via memo when a development application is received that involves the demolition or destruction of a Heritage Item, or when a planning proposal is received.