Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 23 May 2023
23 May 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 23 May 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Women's World Cup Live Site – Go Matildas!
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported acknowledging the incredible success and community support for City of Newcastle's public screening of the Socceroo's vs Argentina World Cup Game on 4 December 2022 in Wheeler Place which attracted thousands of attendees.
Council unanimously supported investigating options for hosting live site public screenings in Wheeler Place of all Matilda's games during the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 when they play in Australia from 20 July.
IPART Emergency Services Levy
A Lord Mayoral Minute noted Council’s forced emergency services contribution is manifestly disproportionate to the 2023/24 rate cap, resulting in additional financial stress, with the unexpected cost hit due to absorb almost all IPART-approved rate rise for this year and in some cases absorb more than 100 per cent, for many councils.
Council unanimously supported writing to the Chair of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Authority (IPART), noting the financial sustainability impacts of the Emergency Services Levy on the Local Government sector, and to work towards an appropriate solution to ensure the ongoing financial sustainability of local councils.
Ordinary business
Adoption of Delivering Newcastle 2040
Council unanimously voted to adopt the 2023-2024 Delivering Newcastle 2040 and the 2023-2024 Fees and Charges, following public exhibition.
Adoption of Inland Pools Strategy 2034
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Inland Pools Strategy 2043 - our plan for protecting and improving Newcastle's public pools for the next 20 years.
Council received the Inland Pools Strategy 2043 Engagement Report and endorsed the establishment of the Inland Pools Reserve Fund to set aside funding as part of the annual budget process to enhance the city's five publicly owned inland swimming centres over the next 20 years.
Public exhibition of draft Community Engagement Strategy
Council unanimously voted to publicly exhibit the draft Community Engagement Strategy for a minimum of 28 days.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest – 1 February to 30 April 2023
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 February to 30 April 2023 by the Chief Executive Officer.
Proposed road closure and sale – road reserve adjoining 34 Robert Street Wickham
Council voted to lay item 8.5 on the table.
Proposed sale of operational land – 55 Cowper Street Wallsend
Council voted to lay item 8.6 on the table.
Adoption of planning proposal, draft Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement for 23 Merewether Street and 8 Lingard Street, Merewether, Lingard Planning Proposal
Council voted to endorse the planning proposal, the Local Environmental Plan be made and finalise the Development Control Plan and Planning Agreement for the Lingard Hospital Precinct, Merewether.
Variations to development standards (Reporting From 1 January 2023 To 31 March 2023)
Council received the report on approved development variations between 1 January 2023 and 31 March 2023 in accordance with the Department of Planning and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012.
March Quarterly Budget Review
Council received the March Quarterly Budget Review Statement and adopted the revised budget as detailed therein.
Quarterly Performance Report on the 2018-2022 Delivery Program
Council received the 2022-2026 Delivery Program - March Quarterly Performance Report.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for April 2023.
Tender report - Lambton Pool Grandstand Upgrade 2023/065t
Council unanimously voted to adopt a tender report for the construction of a new reinforced concrete grandstand beneath the existing grandstand roof at Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre (Lambton Pool).
Tender report - Material Recovery Facility - Construction Works 2023/049t
Council unanimously voted to adopt a tender for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Proposed sale of 16 cabins - Stockton Beach Holiday Park
Council endorsed the sale of 16 cabins at Stockton Beach Holiday Park.
Tender report - Management of Inland Swimming Centres - Contract No 2022/137T
Council delegated the CEO authority to determine the tender for the lease and operation of CNs five owned inland swimming centres.
Notices of Motion
Request to release Climate Security Report
Council noted that the Office of National Intelligence has prepared a Climate Security Report.
Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion to write to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Defence requesting that the government urgently releases the declassified version of the Report.
Newcastle City CBD – Vandalism - Graffiti Attacks - Crime Prevention - Business Retention - Review of Mainstreet Economic Development throughout City Construction - 2023-2026
Council supported an amended notice of motion that notes City of Newcastle staff are reviewing opportunities to focus resources specifically on development of the Hunter Street public domain and welcomes CN’s investment of more than $8.5 million in events and activation programs developed to support local City Centre businesses since 2018.