Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 24 August 2021
24 Aug 2021
Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 24 August 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 24 August 2021. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
City of Newcastle COVID-19 Community and Economic Resilience Package 2.0 and protecting local jobs
A Lord Mayoral Minute was received by Councillors that acknowledged City of Newcastle's 2020 Community and Economic Resilience Package which saw $5.5 million invested across the City, including interest free payment plans for residential and business rates, free online training packages, a significant community grants program to support vulnerable and emerging at-risk community members and targeted industry support initiatives.
Councillors supported re-initiating a Community and Economic Resilience Package, including an ongoing commitment to assisting local residents and businesses with financial hardship support for rates, a community grants programs to support vulnerable and emerging at-risk community members, support for affected local industries including the arts, entertainment, hospitality and tourism sectors, as well as continuing to build on the City's successful business innovation support programs such as NewSkills and the Product Development Mentoring Program.
The Lord Mayoral Minute also noted that the unemployment rate in Newcastle has risen significantly in 2021. More than $100 million was successfully invested into the City's capital works program in 2020/21, generating hundreds of local jobs and increasing the local economy’s economic output by more than $200 million, with capital works projects brought forward to assist in stimulating the local economy and protect our workforce.
The Minute recognised that the current works program for 2021/22 is $90.4 million, at least $10 million less than that delivered by staff last year as part of an adopted COVID-19 employment stimulus program.
Councillors supported a review of the City's adopted 2021/22 Budget, to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect jobs, while identifying any capital works projects that could be expedited or re-prioritised to have maximum impact on stimulating the local economy.
Ordinary Business
Public exhibition of draft Gregson Park Masterplan and amendments to the Heritage Places Plan of Management for Gregson Park
Councillors resolved to place the draft Gregson Park Masterplan and draft amendments to Heritage Places Plan of Management for Gregson Park on public exhibition for 42 days, prior to final consideration by Council.
Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest - 1 May to 31 July 2021
Councillors noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest, for the period 1 May to 31 July 2021, by the Chief Executive Officer.
Advisory Committees’ Annual Performance Reviews
Councillors received the annual performance review from City of Newcastle's advisory committees.
Variations to Development Standards Report – Second Quarter 2021
Councillors received the report on approved development variations between 1 April 2021 and 30 June 2021 in accordance with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s concurrence to vary development standards in the Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012 (NLEP 2012).
Public exhibition of City of Newcastle draft Development Contributions Plan
Councillors resolved to publicly exhibit the draft Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plans for 28 days, prior to final consideration by Council.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Councillors received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for July 2021, which reports on City of Newcastle’s monthly performance.
Notices of Motion
12 Stewart Avenue Contract administration costs
A Notice of Motion requesting that a detailed and itemised report be produced, outlining the costs included in the contract administration of the fit-out of 12 Stewart Avenue, and provided for tabling at the next Council meeting in September 2021, was received. Councillors supported a Director's comment as an amendment.
Infrastructure Contributions Bill
Councillors supported A Notice of Motion to join numerous other local Councils in calling on the NSW Government to withdraw the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill 2021 from the NSW Parliament.
Councillors voted to affirm its support to Local Government NSW (LGNSW) and requests that LGNSW continue advocating on City of Newcastle’s behalf to protect local government from any amendments to infrastructure contributions which leave councils and communities exposed to expending ratepayer funds on new infrastructure made necessary by new development that is currently the responsibility of developers.
New Weather Station Newcastle
A Notice of Motion acknowledging correspondence received from Nat Jeffery, long standing former weather presenter on NBN Television, concerned about the location and operation of an automatic weather station for Newcastle, was noted by Councillors.
Councillors also noted the history of weather stations near the coast and that the responsibility for this service rests with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM).
Councillors supported a Notice of Motion to write to the BoM to advocate for a new weather station in the Newcastle LGA and offer to investigate possible council owned sites around Newcastle, to provide data that is relevant to the city’s urban growth corridors.
Public Safety - Young Street, Cooks Hill
A Notice of Motion acknowledging concerns made by residents of Young Street Cooks Hill, was noted by Councillors.
Councillors also noted suggestions made by residents to address the issues which require a coordinated and multi-agency response.
Councillors supported a Notice of Motion to facilitate a meeting to discuss strategies and an action plan to improve amenity in the area with residents, City of Newcastle employees and Councillors, NSW Police, Telstra, and NSW Department of Communities and Justice.