Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 February 2025

25 Feb 2025

Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 25 February 2025. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions. 

Lord Mayoral Minutes  

Ticketless infringement notices

An amended Lord Mayoral Minute was supported noting that the ticketless parking scheme is consistent with the current operational practice of the NSW Police and other NSW Government bodies in providing an infringement notice via postal notification after the incident has occurred. Any requirement to provide physical notification on a vehicle will significantly increase the risk of psychological and physical harm to City of Newcastle’s Parking Officers. 

The Lord Mayor will write to the Minister for Finance requesting that as a matter of urgency the technology information system be linked to enable near real time notification (via a SMS notification service) in lieu of a physical notification on the vehicle.

Ordinary business 

December Quarterly Performance Report

Council voted unanimously to receive the 2022-2026 Delivery Program - December Quarterly Performance Report and adopt the revised budget as detailed.

Executive Monthly Performance Report

Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for January 2025.

Importance of major events to Newcastle economy

Council noted the contribution of major events to Newcastle's economy, vibrancy, liveability and community development and unanimously voted to endorse the investment of up to $2 million annually to attract and retain major events through City of Newcastle's Strategic Event Partnership Program.

Proposal to waive inland swimming pool entry fee

Council voted on an amended motion including requesting a report providing analysis with a view of progressing a $2 pool entry trial at City of Newcastle-owned pools as part of the 2025-2026 operational plan for the 2025-26 summer season. The report will also consider the financial and operational impacts, and viability of offering free pool entry on Boxing Day, New Years’ Day and Australia Day.

Draft Extended Stockton Coastal Management Program

Council voted unanimously to place the draft Extended Stockton Coastal Management Program 2025 on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. Council will write to Newcastle MP Tim Crakanthorp, requesting an update on the progress of his pre-election commitment to deliver $21 million dollar funding for Stockton, and on the Terms of Reference and meeting schedule for the Stockton Special Advisory Panel.

Impact to Newcastle Local Government Area - January 2025 storm event

Council noted the impact of the damage to the Newcastle Local Government Area following the severe storm event from 15 - 19 January 2025. The NSW Government has approved City of Newcastle's natural disaster declaration application to access funding to assist with the costs of restoring/repairing essential public assets and providing other Government assistance for the community and small businesses.

Tabling of Register of Disclosures of Interest

Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 November 2024 to 31 January 2025 by the Chief Executive Officer.

Exhibition of Local Strategic Planning Statement amendment

Council voted to adopt an amended motion to place the draft Newcastle Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (update 2025) on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. Council will receive a report on the exhibition outcomes and noted that a comprehensive review of the LSPS 2020 is scheduled for 2025.

Adoption of Cameron's Hill Heritage Conservation Area and Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023

Council vote to endorse the Planning Proposal to amend Newcastle Local Environment Plan 2012 to create the Cameron's Hill Heritage Conservation Area. Council will forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for finalisation. Council adopted the associated changes to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023.

University of Newcastle development - Settlement Lane, Newcastle 

Council voted unanimously to approve the introduction of one-way northbound traffic and related infrastructure changes within Settlement Lane Newcastle, from Wright Lane to Honeysuckle Drive, which includes kerb extensions and road narrowing.

Transfer of public domain land at Honeysuckle

Council voted unanimously on an amended motion to classify public domain land being transferred to City of Newcastle by Hunter Central Coast Development Corporation as operational land. 

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Annual Report 2023/24

Council noted the Annual Report of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee for the financial year 2023-24.


Notices of Motion 

Acknowledge and celebrate 35 years of Clean Up Australia Day

Council unanimously supported a notice of motion noting that Clean Up Australia Day will celebrate its 35th year on 2 March 2025, with a number of events planned across the Newcastle LGA. The motion reaffirmed City of Newcastle’s commitment to supporting local Clean Up Australia Day site supervisors, community groups, local schools and businesses in their ongoing efforts to keep our community free of litter.

Supporting the Active Stronger Better program 

Council unanimously supported an amended notice of motion that Council write to the NSW Health Minister and the Hunter New England Health Local Health District in support of applications by the Hunter Ageing Alliance to NSW Health for funding for the Active Stronger Better program.

E-bikes, e-scooters and related mobility options

Council supported a notice of motion that requested a workshop from City of Newcastle officers on the status of personal mobility devices (such as e-bikes, e-scooters and other mobility options) including the relevant legislation, and findings of the NSW Government review, any changes arising from the review.

Acknowledgement of Nuatali Nelmes on her retirement as a Newcastle City Councillor

Council unanimously adopted an amended notice of motion noting that the NSW Electoral Commission has now conducted the countback by-election for the Ward 3 vacancy, and at 10am on 25 February 2025 declared Peta Winney-Baartz to be elected. Council congratulated Councillor Winney-Baartz on her re-election to City of Newcastle.

Celebrating International Women's Day 

Council unanimously adopted an amended notice of motion that Council re-commits to celebrating International Women’s Day annually by continuing to host and support local events and initiatives that highlight the achievements of Novocastrian women, and partnering with local organisations, businesses, and community groups to promote gender equality, women’s safety and empowering women in Newcastle. Council will showcase the contributions of Novocastrian women on International Women's Day and during the week leading up to 8 March through City of Newcastle’s communications channels and illuminate Newcastle City Hall on 8 March in the colours of International Women’s Day (purple, green, and white) as a symbolic show of support.

Protecting 505 Minmi Road as environmental land

Council adopted an amended notice of motion that the Newcastle Lord Mayor and City of Newcastle CEO write to the Director Hunter and Northern, and Deputy Secretary Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure, and NSW Minister for Planning requesting that any proposed re-zoning of 505 Minmi Road that is inconsistent with the City of Newcastle not be allowed to go ahead, and that City of Newcastle remains the Principle Planning Authority for 505 Minmi Rd; and if not met, action as per the December 10 2024 resolution of Council to begin legal action to acquire 505 Minmi Road to protect it in perpetuity as environmental land.

Ensuring expedient housing assessment in Newcastle

Council unanimously adopted a notice of motion that requests the NSW State Government urgently adjust the threshold for State Significant Development in Newcastle under the newly introduced Housing Delivery Authorities legislative reforms.