Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 June 2024
25 June 2024
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Acknowledging Geof Mansfield's 50 years of service to the City of Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted that Monday 10 June 2024 marked 50 years of service to the City of Newcastle by Geof Mansfield who commenced as a draftsman cadet in 1974. Awards a Service Medal commemorating Geof's 50 years of service with the City of Newcastle and extends its sincere gratitude to Geof for his hard work, incredibly long record of employment and dedication to the City of Newcastle.
Investment for offshore wind
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that welcomed the recent announcement by Minister for Climate Change, the Hon. Chris Bowen MP, preliminarily offering a feasibility licence for the potential Novocastrian Wind Pty Ltd project and notes that the Novocastrian Wind project has the capacity to generate over two gigawatts of electricity, equivalent to powering 1.2 million homes. It acknowledges that offshore wind manufacturing at Port of Newcastle has the prospect to generate an estimated 300 ongoing jobs and further 3,000 construction jobs.
City of Newcastle record low DA processing time
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that congratulates the Planning and Environment Directorate for the development and implementation of an industry leading Accelerated Development Application system, which has resulted in significant improvements in development assessment timeframes since it was introduced two years ago. Noting that so far this financial year over 1,230 development applications have been determined, in an average of 37 days. This has resulted in over $680 million worth of approved development across the LGA, which has included over 1050 dwellings.
Ordinary business
Public Exhibition of the draft Walking and Mobility Plan
Council voted to place the draft 10-year Walking and Mobility Plan on public exhibition for a period of a minimum of 42 days.
Special Business Rate Audit Outcome
Council laid on the table the audit findings relating to Special Benefit Rate funded projects delivered via Expressions of Interests.
Adoption of Delivering Newcastle 2040 and making of the Rates and Charges
Council voted to adopt the 2024/2025 Delivering Newcastle 2040 and the 2024/2025 Fees and Charges, following public exhibition, and make the Rates and Charges for the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 in accordance with sections 532 – 535 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Interest on overdue rates and charges for 2024/25
Council voted to adopt the rate of 10.5 per cent per annum on interest on overdue rates and charges for the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, noting that all interest is waived for ratepayers who, on the basis of financial hardship, enter into an agreement to pay outstanding rates over a period of time.
Heritage Item - 14 Sunderland Street, Mayfield - Planning proposal amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council voted unanimously to endorse the commencement of the statutory process for a planning proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 for a new heritage item at 14 Sunderland Street Mayfield.
Heritage Item - 22 Victoria Street, Mayfield - Planning proposal amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council voted unanimously to endorse the commencement of the statutory process for a planning proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 for a new heritage item at 22 Victoria Street, Mayfield.
Cameron's Hill Heritage Conservation Area - Planning proposal amendment to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012
Council voted unanimously to endorse commencement of the statutory process to create the Cameron's Hill Heritage Conservation Area, proposing changes to Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 and related changes to Development Control Plan 2023.
Audit risk and improvement committee charter and internal audit charter
Council voted unanimously to adopt City of Newcastle's Audit Risk and Improvement Committee and Internal Audit Charters.
Social Infrastructure Strategy
Council voted unanimously to review the draft Social Infrastructure Strategy and guiding principles to inform a policy position on Social Infrastructure within the Newcastle LGA. It was noted that population estimates used in current City of Newcastle strategies and key planning documents will need to be reviewed against reforecast population and housing targets.
City of Coffs Harbour - Memorandum of Understanding
Council voted unanimously to endorse a Memorandum of Understanding with City of Coffs Harbour.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for May 2024.
Tender Report - Biennial Road Heavy Patching Services - Contract No. 2024/102T
Council voted unanimously to accept the tender for the provision of Road Heavy Patching Services to deliver road pavement repairs as required across the Newcastle LGA.
Notices of Motion
Public and Environmental Health: Mine subsidence and contamination DA2018/03151
Council supported a notice of motion that City of Newcastle reiterates the significant history of expressed concerns over the proposed public health and environmental health impacts of Development Application DA2018/01351 at Woodford Street Minmi for 858 dwellings.
Astra Aerolab tenants
Council supported an amended notice of motion noting that City of Newcastle's Investment and Borrowing Policy is to provide a framework for the investment of Council's funds. It does not apply to the Newcastle Airport, which is structured and governed separately. Council noted that there is no explosive ordnance manufacture / assembly on land owned by Newcastle Airport and no intention by the Airport to seek this type of tenant. The Airport's landing holdings are entirely located within the Port Stephens local government area, and as such development application determinations and potential conditions of consent are a matter for Port Stephens Council.