Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 April 2022
26 Apr 2022
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 26 April 2022. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Keep Beresfield Pool Public & low fee
A Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) was supported that reaffirmed City of Newcastle’s longstanding commitment to the community to keep Beresfield Pool in public hands, and low fee, to ensure that families in our western suburbs have equitable access to a high-quality public pool. It also noted that in the 2022/23 draft Budget, Beresfield Pool will receive an updated playground as a part of our popular Playground Replacement Program.
Restore our Financial Assistance Grants
Council unanimously supported a Lord Mayoral Minute (LMM) to write to the Prime Minister, NSW Premier and Local Government Grants Commission opposing a decision to reduce the level of funding received under the Federally-funded Financial Assistance Grants (FAG) in nominal terms by up to four per cent, which would cut $435,000 annually from City of Newcastle (CN) budgets. CN would also seek a commitment to increase FAGs up to one per cent of Commonwealth taxation revenue, and seek a guarantee that no council will be worse off under the revised funding arrangements.
Ordinary business
Variations to development standards - first quarter 2022
Council received a report on approved development variations between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2022.
Exhibition of draft Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012
Council voted to place four updated sections of the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 on public exhibition for four weeks. The sections relate to bush fire protection, mine subsidence, safety and security, and traffic, parking and access. Council will receive a report on submissions following the public exhibition.
Adoption of council policies
Council voted to re-adopt a number of reviewed policies previously adopted by the former Council. These included the Asset Management Policy, Sponsorship Policy and Media Policy.
Public exhibition of Code of Meeting Practice
Council resolved to place City of Newcastle's Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for 28 days. A report detailing submissions received will be provided to Council.
Adoption of Community Strategic Plan
Council unanimously voted to adopt the new Community Strategic Plan (Newcastle 2040), which provides the basis for ongoing alignment of City of Newcastle's decision-making processes, strategies and activities with the vision of the Newcastle community.
Adoption of the planning proposal for 41 and 47 Throsby Street, Wickham
Council voted to endorse the amended Planning Proposal for 41 and 47 Throsby Street, Wickham and forward it to the Department of Planning and Environment for finalisation. The Planning Proposal is accompanied by a draft Planning Agreement between the applicant and Council for the dedication of land and construction of a new laneway along the western boundary of 47 Throsby Street between Throsby Street and Furlong Lane.
Public exhibition of draft Delivering Newcastle 2040
Council voted to place the draft 2022-2023 Delivering Newcastle 2040, draft 2022-2023 Fees and Charges, and draft 2022-2023 Long Term Financial Plan on public exhibition for 28 days.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the executive monthly performance report for March 2022.
Tender report - Newcastle Art Gallery mine void remediation works
Council voted unanimously to accept a tender for the completion of the Newcastle Art Gallery expansion mine void remediation works. This contract forms part of the early works required for the Gallery expansion project.
Notices of Motion
Supply and maintenance of street furniture and out-of-home media
Council supported a notice of motion to investigate the viability of partnering with a private partner to allow advertising on street furniture (including for example, bus shelters, public toilets, or appropriately placed billboards) in exchange for asset upgrades or revenue to defray the direct cost to the community of providing high quality and high standard street furniture.
505 Minmi Road - inclusion in NSW National Parks estate
Council supported a notice to motion to write to new Minister for the Environment James Griffin, and DPE, requesting that the Government includes 505 Minmi Road into the National Parks estate, noting the property’s strategic importance to the 23,000-hectare arc Green Corridor. The previous Council resolved on 8 December 2020 to nominate this site for inclusion and had consequently written to the former Minister Matt Kean.