Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 March 2024
26 Mar 2024
Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 March 2024
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 26 March 2024. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Acknowledging 50 years of CN service: Sue Ryan
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that awards a Service Medal to Sue Ryan, commemorating her 50 years of service with City of Newcastle. Sue started as a Library Cadet at Newcastle Public Library in 1974. City of Newcastle acknowledges Sue's many contributions and significant activities in her career.
Winten development application in Minmi
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that reiterated that City of Newcastle does not support the outdated 2013 Concept Plan approved by the NSW Government for Development Application - DA2018/01351 for 858 lots at Woodford Street, Minmi and reiterates that the outdated 2013 Concept Plan approval for this site does not meet community expectations and contemporary planning instruments available in 2024. City of Newcastle calls on the NSW Government to heed community and Council concerns, immediately halt the development assessment process, and revise the proposal in accordance with contemporary planning expectations and instruments.
Mark Hughes Foundation 10 year anniversary
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that notes that 6 March 2024 marked 10 years since the official launch of the Mark Hughes Foundation and acknowledges its founders, former Newcastle Knight Mark Hughes and his wife Kirralee, for their strength and leadership in starting the foundation in the midst of their own cancer journey, following Mark's brain cancer diagnosis. City of Newcastle acknowledges that to date, around 1 million MHF Beanies have been sold, raising around $30 million for research, Brain Cancer Care nurses in regional Australia and supporting brain cancer patients, carers and their families.
Newcastle's high-speed rail station location
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that noted City of Newcastle's support for high-speed rail and commits to writing to Chief Executive Officer of the HSRA, Mr Tim Parker regarding Broadmeadow, which is the only viable location in the Greater Newcastle region for consideration as Newcastle's station location, due to its strategic placement and planned redevelopment.
Ordinary business
Memorial Drive Bar Beach pedestrian and cyclist movement
Council unanimously voted to approve pedestrian and cyclist improvements on Memorial Drive, Bar Beach, including upgrading the existing marked crossing on Memorial Drive to a raised marked crossing, with provision for a future priority bicycle crossing.
Adoption of Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review final report
This motion was laid on the table to be considered at the next Ordinary Council Meeting. The motion proposes council adopts the Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservations Areas Review Final Report and commence the statutory process to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 for the revised HCA boundaries and development standards as outlined in this report.
Public Art Reference Group (PARG) - Annual Report 2023
Council received the Public Art Reference Group Annual Report, documenting the activities of PARG during 2023.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for February 2024.
Granting of Easement - Ausgrid-University of Newcastle feeder network upgrade
Council unanimously voted to grant an easement for electricity purposes over Operational Land at 78 Cameron Street, Jesmond.
Notices of Motion
Skatepark for Merewether/Adamstown
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to investigate a suitable location for a skatepark in the Merewether/Adamstown area. The proposed skatepark design should have space for bubblers, shaded areas, seating and enough room for multiple people to skate at the same time.
Ending no-grounds evictions in NSW
Council supported a notice of motion to commend the NSW Government’s 2023 commitment to replace existing ‘no grounds’ eviction provisions through reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, and notes that NSW Labor has been committed to ending ‘no grounds’ eviction for many years. Council will make a submission to the NSW Government to remove all provisions from the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 that allow no grounds evictions (for both periodic and fixed-term leases) and introduce provisions to The Act to ensure that a residential tenancy ends only for fair and reasonable grounds to ensure a safe, secure, stable, and affordable home for all renters.