Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 26 September 2023
26 Sept 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 26 September 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Paul Woseen Condolence Motion
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that extended its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and fans of Paul Woseen, and acknowledged and celebrated the significant cultural and artistic contributions made throughout his career. The Minute recognised the impact of the Screaming Jets, a band born in our own city, as a source of pride and inspiration for the Newcastle community and committed to preserving and promoting the band's musical heritage as part of our city's cultural legacy.
10 Years of Service to Newcastle by Sharon Claydon MP
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that expressed its congratulations and deepest appreciation to Sharon Claydon MP for her 10 years of service as the Federal Member for Newcastle. The Minute commended her outstanding contributions to our community and her tireless efforts to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Newcastle whilst reaffirming CN's commitment to working collaboratively with Ms Claydon and all our state and Federal Government representatives.
Newcastle Williamtown Air Show 2023
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that noted for the first time in more than a decade, City of Newcastle will host the free, family-friendly Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Aircraft Flying Display on Saturday 18 November 2023. The Minute thanked our delivery partners at the RAAF, Port Stephens Council and the NSW Government for their wonderful contribution to securing this event for Newcastle.
Ordinary business
Exhibition of Outdoor Trading Policy
Council voted to publicly exhibit the Draft Outdoor Dining Policy 2023 and Draft Outdoor Dining Guidelines 2023, with a report to be received by Councillors following the exhibition period.
Exhibition of Draft Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023
Council unanimously voted to publicly exhibit the Draft Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023 for a period of 28 days, with a report to be received by Councillors following the exhibition period.
Proposed granting of Right of Carriageway easement over operational land - 45 Lookout Road New Lambton Heights
Council endorsed the creation of an easement for a Right of Carriageway over Operational Land at 45 Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights for the benefit of 4 Bushlands Close, New Lambton Heights.
In addition, Council granted authority to the Chief Executive Officer or his delegate to execute all relevant documentation to authorise the transaction.
Change to adopted Meeting Schedule 2024
Council endorsed a change in Council's meeting cycle; with the Newcastle leg of Paul McCartney's tour taking place at McDonald Jones Stadium on the night of the next scheduled meeting, moving the Ordinary Council Meeting from Tuesday 24 October 2023 to Tuesday 31 October 2023.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for August 2023.
Tender Report – Newcastle Ocean Baths Upgrade Stage 2 – Principal Design Consultant - 2023/163T
Council unanimously voted to accept a tender for a Principal Design Consultant for the Newcastle Ocean Baths Stage 2 upgrade project in accordance with Contract 2023/163T.
Notices of Motion
Busking Policy
Council supported a notice of motion to develop a Buskers Policy and Licence, managed by the City of Newcastle, that supports live performance opportunity and creates enjoyable ambience in public spaces, while ensuring public safety, city amenity, and the quality of performances.
Beaumont Street - Mockingbird Outdoor Dining Refusal
Council supported a notice of motion acknowledging the active support and encouragement by City of Newcastle to increase the operation of outdoor dining in the city, and the ongoing concerns experienced by the owner of Mockingbird Café at 131 Beaumont Street, Hamilton.
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Executive Director's recommendation, endorsed by the Newcastle City Traffic Committee, to implement immediate changes to parking restrictions in the vicinity of 131 Beaumont Street, Hamilton.
City of Newcastle will apply to Transport for NSW to review the servicing of the 21 Bus Route, including resolving the optimum location of the bus stop in the vicinity of 131 Beaumont Street Hamilton to best serve the route to provide for fully compliant operations, and reports back to the Newcastle City Traffic Committee as to the outcome of the review.
In addition, City of Newcastle will contact the Mockingbird Café encouraging them to submit an application for a compliant outdoor dining permit in accordance with CN's Outdoor Trading Policy.