Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 August 2024
27 Aug 2024
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 27 August 2024. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Empowering Newcastle Event series
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported noting the success of City of Newcastle's Empowering Newcastle event series. City of Newcastle will continue to engage with all levels of government, industry, business, the community and households on climate change action, nature-based solutions and the circular economy to deliver our Newcastle Environment Strategy.
Bringing the World Surf League to Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported noting that Surfest Newcastle, with support from City of Newcastle, has been in discussions with the WSL to upgrade Surfest to Challenger Series status, which will further elevate its profile on the international stage, attracting top surfers from around the world and enhancing the prestige of Newcastle as a premier surfing destination.
Council term wrap up
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported noting this meeting of 27 August 2024 was the last Ordinary Council Meeting of a shortened term and congratulating dedicated staff and Councillors for their contribution throughout the Council term.
Ordinary business
Tabling of register of disclosures of interest
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest (for the period 1 May to 31 July 2024) by the Chief Executive Officer.
Endorsement of motions for submission to the 2024 Local Government NSW Conference
Council endorsed the motions for submission to the Local Government New South Wales 2024 Annual Conference.
Electoral Funding Guidelines
Council noted the NSW Electoral Commission electoral funding guidelines.
Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation Public Domain Transfers
Council voted unanimously to classify public domain land transferred from Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation as operational land.
505 Minmi Road Fletcher - Update on Planning Proposal
Council noted that on 8 August 2024 the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure advised City of Newcastle that the proponent for 505 Minmi Road Fletcher intended to lodge a Gateway review. City of Newcastle will receive formal advice once the application is received and will be provided with 21 calendar days to respond. The Independent Planning Commission will consider all information and provide its recommendation to the Department. The Minister (or delegate) will consider the recommendations and determine whether to alter the Gateway Determination.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for July 2024.
Notices of Motion
Newcastle Indoor Sports Facility and the Broadmeadow Place Strategy
Council supported a notice of motion that City of Newcastle writes to the NSW Government and local Members of Parliament requesting the NSW Government purchase or compulsorily acquire the Jemena site, to enable the relocation of existing infrastructure to allow new housing and development on government owned land within the Broadmeadow precinct.
Lighting and the North Lambton dog park
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that City of Newcastle prepare a report for the Infrastructure Advisory Committee regarding the feasibility and indicative cost of installing lighting at North Lambton, Maryland and Islington dog parks, starting with North Lambton.
Getting on with the job - End of term review - Councillor productivity
Council supported a notice of motion that City of Newcastle acknowledges the work done by Councillors ahead of the August 2024 council meeting, which is the last meeting of the current shortened council term.
Recognition of Paralympians and Inclusive Sport in Newcastle
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that City of Newcastle celebrates the commencement of the Paralympics on 28 August 2024, with 160 Australian para-athletes competing in 17 of the 22 sports and congratulates the contingent of Novocastrian Paralympians on their selection.