Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 February 2024
28 Feb 2024
Council update: Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 27 February 2024
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 27 February 2024. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Newcastle's Citizens of the Year and Australia Day 2024 Honours List recipients
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported congratulating 2024 Citizen of the Year, Professor Nathan Bartlett, Young Citizen of the Year, Olivia Hughes, Senior Citizen of the Year, Emeritus Professor Julie Byles and Community Group of the Year, The LIVEFree Project. Congratulations also go to the 15 Novocastrians who received awards in the recent Australia Day 2024 Honours List.
Roads to Recovery and Financial Assistance Grant support
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledges the Federal Government's Financial Assistance Grant program that will strongly support Council in delivering our Annual Works Program and Operational Plan, and will support our work to improve town centres, build new playgrounds, address climate change at the local level, provide beach lifeguards and deliver other important services to our community.
Ordinary business
Change to 2024 adopted meeting schedule
Council unanimously voted to adopt a change in Council's 2024 meeting cycle; moving the Council Committee meeting from 19 November to 12 November 2024.
Tabling of register of disclosures of interest
Council noted the tabling of the Register of Disclosures of Interest for the period 1 November 2023 to 31 January 2024 by the CEO.
December Quarterly Performance Report
Council received the 2022-2026 Delivery Program - December Quarterly Performance Report and adopted the revised budget.
Newcastle Maritime Museum Society (NMMS) collection storage facility lease
Council voted to extend leases with Venues NSW and a private rental facility for the storage of the NMMS’s collection and paper-based records and archives for a maximum period of 12 months until 21 March 2025. Council will also extend the current in-kind storage support at various CN sites for other NMMS owned items for a maximum period of two years. Council noted that the NMMS remains responsible for the storage, management, relocation and ongoing care of its collection.
Cancellation of easement - 65 Portside Crescent, Maryville
Council unanimously voted to cancel an existing easement at 65 Portside Crescent, Maryville.
Traise Street, Waratah - kerb realignment and footpath
Council unanimously voted to approve kerb realignment and footpath connections on Traise Street, Waratah.
Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report
Council unanimously voted to table the Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report for the 2022/2023 financial year and note the 2023/2024 Forward Internal Audit Plan.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for January 2024.
Tender report - Blackbutt Cara Kiosk and Community Facility
Council unanimously voted to accept a tender for construction of a new kiosk and community facility at Carnley Avenue, Blackbutt.
Tender report - Memorial Drive, The Hill - road embankment
Council voted to accept a tender for the Memorial Drive, The Hill, road embankment.
Newcastle Art Gallery partnership agreement
Council unanimously voted to endorse a partnership agreement between Newcastle Art Gallery and the University of Newcastle for a period of four years, which will provide valuable opportunities for learning and professional development that will enrich the city's cultural and academic landscape.
Chief Executive Officer Performance Review
The Council resolved to receive the CEO Performance Review report submitted by the independent facilitator for the review process.
Notices of Motion
Bring the Rugby World Cup to Newcastle
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to write to the organisers of the Rugby World Cup advocating for Newcastle be considered a Host City for the men’s and women’s events, which will be held in Australia in 2027 and 2029 respectively.
Celebrating 150 years of local government in Wallsend
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion reaffirming its support for the planned large-scale community event in August to commemorate Wallsend’s 150th anniversary as a municipality. Council will seek grant funding support under the NSW Government Vibrant Streets Package Open Streets Program for this event.
Fairness for regional hospital workers
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that acknowledges with disappointment the reinstatement of paid parking for staff at John Hunter Hospital came on 1 February. Council questions the NSW Government's inclusion of JHH in the paid parking program, given the re-introduction of paid parking is for metropolitan hospitals only, and notes how this situation again highlights the inconsistent manner in which the Newcastle Local Government Area is sometimes classified as regional and sometimes metropolitan, and the financial impact of this inconsistency on our community.