Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 March 2023
28 Mar 2023
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 28 March 2023. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
NSW election results
A Lord Mayoral Minute was unanimously supported that acknowledged the election of Chris Minns as Premier and the NSW Labor Government following the NSW State Election held on 25 March 2023, and congratulated local Greater Newcastle and Hunter Members of Parliament on their re-election. It also supported the Minns Labor Government's promise to reinstate the position of a dedicated Minister for the Hunter and committed to continuing our collaborative working relationship with the NSW Government, the NSW Opposition and Independent Members of the NSW Parliament for the benefit of the people of Newcastle.
City of Newcastle hosts world-class events
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported that noted the increase in local visitation to Newcastle as a result of successful events held in the city in recent weeks. This included the Newcastle 500, during which City of Newcastle helped facilitate raising more than $40,000 for Got Your Back Sista and Nova for Women and Children. The Lord Mayoral Minute thanked the work of local businesses, City of Newcastle employees and the Newcastle community for their support and cooperation in hosting these successful events and promoting our beautiful city.
Ordinary business
Public exhibition of draft Delivering Newcastle 2040
Council voted unanimously to publicly exhibit the draft 2023-2024 Delivering Newcastle 2040 and draft 2023-2024 Fees and Charges for 28 days prior to the final consideration by Council.
Adoption of Special Business Rate Expenditure Policy
Council received a report of the public exhibition of the Special Business Rate Expenditure Policy and voted to adopt the updated policy. Council noted correspondence from BIA Chairs, and requested that the BIA facilitator, working with Ms Musumeci, organises combined resourcing for high pressure cleaning in all BIA areas.
Darby Street Streets as Shared Spaces – retention of infrastructure
Council voted to retain infrastructure installed for the Darby Street – Streets as Shared Spaces Trial between Bull and Queen Streets, Cooks Hill including existing traffic calming infrastructure and outdoor dining deck. Council will also place concept plans for upgraded traffic calming infrastructure at the southern and northern entries to the 30km/h zone on public exhibition.
Broadmeadow Place Strategy
Council voted unanimously to endorse the preparation of a draft Place Strategy for the Broadmeadow Regionally Significant Growth Area as identified in the Hunter Regional Plan 2041. A report to publicly exhibit the draft Broadmeadow Place Strategy will be presented to Council in late 2023.
37 Llewellyn Street, Merewether – right of way review
Council received a report on the investigation into the right-of-carriageway at 37 Llewellyn Street, Merewether and noted that the investigation is continuing. City of Newcastle is seeking support for a public access to be created through the Merewether Fire and Rescue Station. A formal complaint has been lodged with NSW Fair Trading about the professional conduct of the Private Certifier and a request has been made to the Minister for Fair Trading to investigate.
Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel (HCCRPP) – changes to planning panels
Council voted to appoint Cr Wood, Cr McCabe and Cr Church as additional alternate members of the HCCRPP, upon acceptance by the nominated councillors.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for February 2023.
Tender report - recyclable waste collection services and bin supply
Council voted unanimously to accept a new tender for recyclable waste collection services and mobile garbage bin supply.
Notices of Motion
Public Voice and Public Briefing Policy
Council voted against a notice of motion calling for updates the Public Voice and Public Briefing Policy to explicitly define that a Public Briefing shall not be made by a member of staff.
Requesting attendance data from Supercars
Council supported an amended notice of motion noting that the CEO of Supercars has committed to providing a detailed breakdown of the ticketing for the 2023 Newcastle 500, which will be provided to Councillors and the community to enable the Council to make a more informed decision on the economic impact for the city from hosting the Newcastle 500. This decision will only be required if the NSW Government indicates it intends to support the race's continuation for another five years.
Funding for Trove
Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that acknowledged the importance of Trove as a national digital archive service, to record and access Australia's history and culture. City of Newcastle will write to the Federal Minister for the Arts, Shadow Minister for the Arts, and the Federal Member for Newcastle calling for sustainable funding to ensure the continuation of free access to the Trove national database and upgrade of the digital archive systems of Trove.
Infrastructure contributions reform concerns
Council endorsed an amended notice of motion that welcomed the election of a Chris Minns Labor Government in NSW and thanked NSW Labor for its steadfast and consistent opposition of the former Liberal Government’s proposed unfair raiding and diversion of Council infrastructure contributions, which would have left councils and local communities worse off, and impacted Council’s ability to fund important local infrastructure required to support growth.
Late item
Determination of income taxation for councillors
Council resolved that Lord Mayor and Councillor fees be subject to income tax withholding under Part 2-5 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 - sections 446-5 of Schedule 1, with effect from 1 July 2023.