Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 28 September 2021
28 Sept 2021
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council Meeting of Tuesday 28 September 2021. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Bypassing freight from residential Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute about City of Newcastle’s submission into the recommended route for the Lower Hunter Freight Corridor, which will provide a future dedicated freight rail line between Fassifern and Hexham that bypasses residential Newcastle, was supported.
The Corridor will dramatically alleviate traffic congestion at level crossings such as Adamstown and Clyde Street. City of Newcastle's submission requests that the Corridor is aligned to catalyst areas including the Port of Newcastle and the emerging Black Hill industrial precinct, seeks assurance that key infrastructure projects like the Richmond Vale Rail Trail won't be more onerous or costly as a result, calls for project integration with the proposed M1 extension, and requests that the preferred option at Hexham delivers on the concept of 'Port Side Rail', which would minimise community impact and support future economic growth.
The Cities Race to Zero and Cities Race to Resilience Campaigns
A Lord Mayoral Minute regarding two global campaigns, Cities Race to Zero and Cities Race to Resilience, which aim to rally support and action on climate change in the lead up to the International Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, was supported.
To reinforce its stance on action against climate change, City of Newcastle will take the Cities Race to Zero Pledge, which recognises the global climate emergency, pledges a commitment to keeping global heating below the 1.5°Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement and pledges reaching (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°Celsius. City of Newcastle will also take the Cities Race to Resilience Pledge, which is focused on building resilience to climate change and will see City of Newcastle integrate climate change adaption in urban planning.
Progress Pride Flag
Councillors unanimously supported a Lord Mayoral Minute regarding City of Newcastle’s support of our LGBTQI+ community. City of Newcastle will fly the Progress Pride Flag at City Hall, Civic Park, the City Administration Centre, and other appropriate locations, during Mardi Gras, Pride Week and other times significant to Newcastle's LGBTQI+ community.
Ordinary Business
Community and Economic Resilience Package Extension
Councillors noted the development of a second phase of the Community and Economic Resilience Package (CERP) in response to the impact caused by the continuing lockdown of the Newcastle LGA, including an increase of the 2021/22 works program of at least $10 million.
Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation – Memorandum of Understanding
Councillors endorsed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Newcastle Art Gallery Foundation, which recognises and acknowledges the cultural importance of Newcastle Art Gallery and records the spirit of cooperation and respect between City of Newcastle and the Foundation.
Adoption of Wickham Masterplan 2021 Update
Councillors adopted the Wickham Masterplan 2021 update, which was amended following a 28-day public exhibition period.
Executive Monthly Performance Report
Councillors received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for August 2021, which reports on City of Newcastle’s monthly performance.
Notices of Motion
Inner City Bypass – Peattie’s Road Depot
A Notice of Motion relating to Transport for NSW's proposed Peattie's Road Depot for the construction of the Inner City Bypass was adopted by Council.
City of Newcastle will not enter into a lease or licence on the Council-owned site for the purpose of the Depot. City of Newcastle will write to the Minister for Transport and Roads to ensure the proposed Peattie's Road Depot does not proceed, and to request the Minister enters discussions with the Minister for Health to ensure that the original proposal for a construction depot for the Inner City Bypass on site behind John Hunter Hospital can be implemented.
Principal Pedestrian Network
A Notice of Motion was introduced requesting that council staff provide an update on the Principal Pedestrian Network (PPN), including a briefing at a councillor workshop, which includes: an overview of the process of identifying and prioritising footpaths, including ramp, when the PPN will be completed, when a project list is scheduled to be completed, an annual indicative budget required to adequately progress though the routes and projects on a rolling program and how Councillors can participate.
A Director’s comment noting work is underway towards the development of the Principal Pedestrian Network and a draft Walking Plan with a Councillor workshop to be held in early 2022 was supported.
Changes to 2022 Newcastle 500 Supercars
Councillors voted to approve a Notice of Motion that requires any changes to the current agreement with Supercars in relation to the timing, staging, access or other aspects of the 2022 Newcastle 500 event to be reviewed and approved by the elected Council prior to approval.
Woodchip Exports from the Port of Newcastle
A Notice of Motion calling for City of Newcastle to oppose the export of woodchips from the Port of Newcastle and a proposal to export 60,000 tonnes of native forest woodchips per annum to Japan was unanimously supported by Councillors.
City of Newcastle will write to the NSW Minister for Environment and NSW Minister of Primary Industries to express its concern of the use of woodchips for the creation of clean energy.